Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [coord] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 I told them , as I tell alumni wherever I meet them , that the best thing you can do for the University is to remember its strengths , and in your normal professional and daily lives to be prepared to speak up on the University 's behalf when you think it is appropriate .
2 After 5 October 1968 a poorly organised and deeply divided movement attempted to apply some of the methods used in the Deep South .
3 More immediately , while realism dictated that Mary would go to England when she married , Henry was told very bluntly that she must not go sooner : such a demand would be ‘ a right high and right great inconvenience to the realm of Scotland ’ , and parliament trusted to the English king 's ‘ high wisdom ’ , and assumed that he would not insist .
4 Of course , Brian himself was a boss , if one counted being Head of Humanities in a poorly funded and now much-threatened Adult Education Institute as being a boss .
5 Particularly in the universities , and even more particularly in those universities which have a strong residential and sometimes collegial tradition , the experience of higher education is regarded as a unity , a totality , an organic whole ( or in more modern terms a package ) which it is neither desirable nor possible to dissect .
6 It is anti-static stain-resistant and very hardwearing .
7 The petals of the flowers had dropped , and spilled brown and carelessly over the floor .
8 It makes the business of learning English simpler and more fun for students and teachers .
9 In ‘ Smooth Operators ’ I took to task the brace of pop collaborators — Hue and Cry , Wet Wet Wet and so forth — whose reading of white funk has implicated them as collaborators in pop 's current fixation with sincerity , soulfulness , positivism .
10 We have just arrived here with everything we have soaking wet and so we must just sit still till our clothes are dried and I take the opportunity of the idle time to write to you —
11 Previously , only the top forty or so top-winning show dogs were invited to compete .
12 Lowly born or high born there is a saint for you .
13 JAMMING : Punk fanzine that grew into glossy monthly and then did n't grow any more .
14 Encouraged by the Labour government of 1964–70 and the attempt of the Industrial Reorganisation Corporation to restructure parts of British industry , GEC took over AEI and English Electric and successfully reorganised the ailing electronics industry during the 1960s by rationalisation , elimination of duplication and elimination of excess capacity .
15 At four-fifteen , there was one hour of light left and still no sign of the Land Rover .
16 Thanks to Scottish Amicable and here 's to the next competition .
17 Yes , it was not so much a deletion as er a reduction in the numbers because we were very mindful erm in going through the requirement erm and not making significant changes as far as the U K was concerned and we needed to make some savings in cost if at all possible and therefore we carried out a very comprehensive review of all the items of role equipment such as drop tanks er pylons , explosive release units and those type of things which had been provisionally earmarked for a very high intensive and fairly long running conflict and it was felt that if we were to make some savings then it was a sensible balance to reduce those numbers on the basis that we could save some money in the programme but at the same time many of these items could be bought later on at relatively short notice , clearly not within a conflict but in the years to come .
18 The top dozen or so jockeys would expect to ride over half the winners in a season .
19 Perhaps a new young star would make his insistent mark on the golfing heavens ; or , more likely , one of the top dozen or so established golfers would add to his bank balance .
20 This year they celebrate 20 years together during which time they have flowered as one of the top dozen or so string quartets world wide .
21 Intended to reach the parts of the population museums do not easily reach , this show in fact attracted a derisory 9000 or so paying visitors in the two months that it was open from 16 November last , despite more coverage on TV than most exhibitions .
22 The Who 's Who is a book of weighty significance masquerading as a fun succession of player profiles compiled from questionnaires sent to the top 350 or so players in the four home countries .
23 My grandfather was a miner , a staunch socialist and very anti-Tory .
24 The Bishop ordained that the Vicar of Hailing should receive as his portion £5 10s yearly and that he should have the same acreage of land as the vicars of old possessed and also " all oblations what so ever within the bounds and limits of the parish , all the tithes of hay , lambs , wool , mills , calves , chicken , pigs , geese , ducks , eggs , bees ' honey , wax , cheese , milk , milk-meats , flax , hemp , pears , apples , garden herbs , pigeon houses , and merchandise , fisheries , pastures , onions , garlic and saffron , also the tithes , sheaves cultivated either by plough or spade and also the tithes of wood for fuel , coppice wood , thorns , rushes , faggots and fardells , within the bounds of the Parish , all of which the vicars and his successors shall have "
25 Polyester drafting film is generally used , which is translucent white and quite strong .
26 He had slept well , woken early , said Office , celebrated Mass , broken fast and then swept both his house and Philomel 's stable .
27 Now we we just mentioned Tarmac 's Tarmac 's objectives let's just go through them er after the course you should be able to make clear logical and well organised case presentations , fine .
28 The bass clef is the normal one used for tenor trombones , the tenor clef being used for the top fifth or so of their compass .
29 ‘ You mean they put out they 're into free fucking but really they just want to get hitched ? ’
30 Thus orientation conceals under a pretence of ‘ equal but different ’ a process of sorting and selecting pupils according to their academic level for different scholastic and ultimately occupational routes .
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