Example sentences of "[adj] [adj] [noun] of " in BNC.

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1 All patients except one were women , aged between 24 and 59 years , who received low total doses of gold salts ( 74–485 mg ) before recognition of enterocolitis .
2 As I walked in the door I was greeted by a new son and a strange emotional mixture of delight and disappointment at not having been there .
3 The aquatic plesiosaur was first described in 1821 and soon afterwards an almost complete skeleton was unearthed from the rich fossil-bearing rocks of Lyme Regis in Dorset .
4 Congress as we all know , the failed economic policies of the government has pushed our nation to the very edge of bankruptcy .
5 Unless the leaky Government machine has failed to function by spewing out the usual advance warning of announcements in the pipeline , it seems unlikely that the deadline will be met — reflecting the complexities of trying to make rational long-term decisions in energy markets dominated by short-term thinking .
6 ‘ The interior of the carriage is lined throughout with delicate blue satin , wadded and tufted , and the angles finished with broad fluted pilaster of the same elegant material .
7 I start up the engine again and move on , staying within fifty metres of the shore , which is the usual feeding range of the local otters .
8 Two further years of data will be added to the existing run of 35 years in the archive , a new manual will be prepared for databank users and the project will generate new long-run aggregate series of financial accounts for industries .
9 By May 1946 a constitution had been drafted which suited the Communist-Socialist approach to politics , with a strong lower house of parliament .
10 So many mixed feelings of guilt and anxiety , love and hate can blur the issue that it may be important to adopt the suggestion of one therapist and discuss all the issues with a wise counsellor , perhaps a minister or some other friend of the family , who knows most of the people concerned but has none of the strong emotional involvement of a family member .
11 This was the fundamental ground of the strong emotional dislike of older abolitionists for internal polemics in the movement and distaste for any derogation from a transcendent commitment to the cause .
12 The Edwardian trade schools gave rise to the Junior Technical Schools of the interwar years and then after 1944 to the Secondary Technical Schools of the post war reorganisation .
13 The staff are now not convinced that with the freedom now offered to managers to negotiate local pay bargain , that these historic low levels of pay will improve .
14 The next section discusses a model of soil conservation which derived from the perceptions and objective political economic conditions of the ‘ colonial period ’ , stretching from about 1880 — 1960 .
15 By assuming the political economic circumstances of this displacement as given , of course it seemed natural to the colonial administration that the condition of environmental deterioration was the fault of the cultivators themselves .
16 This hope turned out to be mistaken , but this was because of a new feature of the situation which was barely visible in 1072 : the Hildebrandine vision of a unified administrative system of government under papal direction was the real enemy of the primacy , as we can see from the history of the next fifty years .
17 They were all quite normal hollow pieces of graphite tube .
18 But the man who combined the gifts of preacher and politician , and who felt called , like John the Baptist ( or , to be exact , John the Presbyterian ) , was Foster Dulles , minister 's son , Wall Street lawyer and by divine right Secretary of State .
19 Since it follows that the overall gain under such feedback conditions is Notice that , in this broad introductory description of the feedback technique , the symbol s has been deliberately introduced to signify any signal current or voltage .
20 Complete complete combustion of ethanol .
21 That is they are places which , well before 800 AD , had characteristics which were already marked as different in function from the normal agricultural settlements of the period .
22 Specific cellular localisation of silver grains , indicating the presence of preproET-1 mRNA , was found over the same cells that demonstrated ET-1 immunostaining .
23 It was a creepy spot with a strong pungent smell of garlic and there was always a feeling of tension and foreboding .
24 And we could smell the strong pungent scent of a trotting fox as we trailed dog-like paw marks .
25 It was spanned by a narrow hump-backed bridge of the picturesque variety that is guaranteed to damage any car that uses it .
26 A similar relationship obtained between the count of Flanders and the comital family of Boulogne , between the Capetians and the old-established comital families of the Ile de France , between the dukes of Burgundy and the counts of Mâcon , Chalon , and Meaux .
27 Be that as it may , there now exists a political consensus in favour of the complete monetary integration of the Community .
28 The rich oral tradition of the pesme made a great impression on writers and folklorists during the Romantic revival of the nineteenth century .
29 Specialist private dry cleaning of antique textiles : Bernard Dore works for the National Trust and national museums as well as dealers .
30 Becker , in his classic economic study of crime and punishment , puts forward the view that man , as rational calculator , weighs up the ‘ expected rate of return ’ likely to be derived from committing a criminal offence .
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