Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] my [adj] " in BNC.

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1 A gentle step into a short sling and then the real miracle , a tiny hole , just right for my ancient ladle handle , revived from the days when Drummond briefly made them almost respectable .
2 Therefore it was not possible for my Working Group to prescribe a single policy which would suit all circumstances .
3 I feel sorry for my poor congregation !
4 sorry for my broken english — but you will have to live with misunderstandings like that on the list …
5 People who feel sorry for my old bridesmaid and travelling companion are barking up the wrong tree .
6 The regional CBI believed that that would be of great benefit and was grateful for my right hon. Friend 's measures to alleviate the uniform business rate .
7 I am grateful for my right hon. Friend 's statement because it demonstrates the Government 's commitment to a better equipped fleet for the future , even though the fleet manpower is contracting , and because jobs will be provided in the Portsmouth travel-to-work area .
8 Yet I 'm still grateful for my religious upbringing because the religious sense is our relationship with everything that surrounds us .
9 I am grateful for my hon. Friend 's second point , because it is not yet widely understood by the three quarters of people who go into retirement with savings of their own that , as they approach retirement , their ability to build up those savings would be subject to a 9 per cent .
10 I am grateful for my hon. Friend 's comments , because the significant fact about St. Ivel 's sponsorship is that it is a perfect example of sponsorship working very well and of the use of the business sponsorship incentive scheme , which I just mentioned .
11 ‘ I 'm sure it 'll be just divine for my new admirers . ’
12 Feeling conspicuous — embarrassed about my very existence but resentful of what had happened .
13 At the end of week six , I had a medical interview where it was decided that due to hurricane Gilbert there was no medical facility adequate for my medical needs ; I 'm asthmatic .
14 Mrs Webster was very understanding about my wanting to team up with Wendy , which was how I put it to her ; and when I left she gave me a Victorian glass inkwell and a brown ironstone plate , because I ‘ liked old things ’ .
15 It feels funny after my other hat .
16 I have seen at long last that I need to be free of my beloved mistress and even as I write that word it is hollow for how can I love one who no longer has the least regard for me ?
17 I was especially fond of my maternal grandparents ' dog , Luath , an exquisitely patient collie with whom I would sit for hours , pretending or half-pretending that we could read one another 's thoughts .
18 Perhaps I would ask for one of those LED alarm radios , though I 'm very fond of my old brass alarm clock .
19 ‘ I accept partial blame but I have a feeling that history will treat me kindly because there was nothing wrong with my basic thesis .
20 If not , it gets more complicated ; guilt first at not being generous with my superior situation .
21 Your work at the zoo is so different from my usual day-to-day surgeries . ’
22 They were different from my other friends , and my mother did n't like them .
23 Or , at least , the bat 's sensation of her mate may be no more different from my visual sensation of a flamingo , than my visual sensation of a flamingo is different from a flamingo 's visual sensation of a flamingo .
24 I adore eating out and always choose something different from my normal home-made menus .
25 It was an awareness of a new kind of potentiality , one very different from my old sense of the word , which had been based on the illusions of ambition .
26 I could n't get rid of my disability , became more staunch in my socialist politics , got rid of my accent and was thankful when my parents put themselves into enormous debt and bought a tip of a house in Croydon .
27 But suppose I am wrong in my basic presupposition that there can not be particularity .
28 It is clear from my brief remarks that I endorse the Government 's judgment .
29 Read had not been particularly interested in my political book ( which I had submitted to him in fulfilment of the option clause in my contract with Routledge , so I got together some more representative pieces and sent them to Eliot , no least because he had published my article on ‘ Philosophy and Politics ’ in The Criterion , and because I had again spoken about my plans at our first meeting after the war .
30 I knew he was interested in my young sister , Anna .
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