Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] that i " in BNC.

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1 And I was fortunate in that I had friends — musical and artistic — who knew so much more about these subjects than I did , and enjoyed sharing their knowledge with me .
2 I 'm fortunate in that I 'm trained to help .
3 So far I 've been very fortunate in that I 've been in the right place at the right time ; buying land and property in a subdued market then selling it on when demand is high .
4 The IFA were fortunate in that I was able to make it practically a full-time job because of my lifestyle .
5 Yeah I , I mean to be honest on that I was more conscious of the fact that we 'd only got fifteen
6 I 'm extremely lucky in that I have no cellulite .
7 ‘ I was lucky in that I was appointed as the group was beginning to take off so I had a very good relationship with the plc directors .
8 I was lucky in that I did n't even have to know the women I worshipped , which opened the field up somewhat — I was happy to admire from afar .
9 ‘ I 've been lucky in that I 've always had pace , but the regular training and coaching I 've had at Wigan has made me stronger and faster . ’
10 So far I have been lucky in that I have never had to work at getting the next job but there may be a point when I look up and there is no opportunity around the corner . ’
11 Doreen said : ‘ I 've been really lucky in that I 've enjoyed everyone of my 34 years with the company .
12 Er previously I 've had , held the license of Three Fishes at Lyddon er , for three years er , previous to that I held the license of the Mason 's Arms , with for three years previous to that and before I 've been connected with the catering and licensed trade from be fifteen .
13 Er previous to that I held the licence at The Three Fishes at er for three years .
14 Er previous to that I held the licence for The Mason 's Arms at for three years previous to that and before that I 've been connected with the catering and licence trade from being fifteen .
15 Er , prior to that I was trained as an electrician .
16 and do you know she 'd be good at that I think
17 I was happy in that I felt that I had paid him back a little for the thousands of hours he had spent at West London Stadium , stopwatch in hand , urging us all on to greater things .
18 No , well you 're right except that I find it more convenient to replace my booklets if I 'm in er Cardiff on my weekend when I happen to pass a tax office I pop in , replace them .
19 so it 's all hot on the plate and served straight away you know , luckily erm I managed it but I got in a little bit of a flap I will admit it whereas Shirl 's now got used to that I mean I when we first came we both used to do our own help each other out I used to help out but erm
20 Yes , yes I use the M four quite a bit and I suppose I 'm so used to that I do n't mind it .
21 He 's very enthusiastic er superb on that I thought erm kept on asking I 've put here , you actually ended up with five names
22 No I was n't so much disappointed as that I was disappointed that there was only five would be sponsors and that it was we had to give out
23 ‘ Oh yes , it 's relevant to that I 've no doubt .
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