Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] it all " in BNC.

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1 So I got very , very depressed about it all and I just said to the officers , ‘ Put me in my cell and leave me alone .
2 Steve being Steve was just being very laid-back about it all .
3 He said : ‘ I ca n't afford to be emotional about it all and stay on a high .
4 But what they will be is discreet about it all .
5 Ken was sorry about it all , but he did n't let it interfere with his own plans , which were blossoming as usual .
6 He was sporting a Clark Gable moustache and being terribly brave about it all .
7 Women leaning over balconies looked and tossed down flowers , younger women openly showed their approval with a strange clicking sound and Fernando walked on , oblivious of it all .
8 THIS year had more than its fair share of depressing news , but one TV programme managed to make light of it all .
9 I was oblivious to it all , but I do n't know how we managed , as agriculture suffered along with every other industry .
10 I 'm left a little cold by sampling and sequencers in general — just as I would n't consider a romantic liaison with my fridge — but I did find myself interested by it all .
11 The babies ’ parents were rather dubious about it all at first , ’ Claire admits .
12 Talking to two of the Nottingham councillors who are rather agitated about it all and talk to you as well give us a ring .
13 It was about this time that Vivienne began to get really evangelistic about it all .
14 Old Norman Hunter sounded like he was bored of it all and just kept saying ‘ looking at it , you just ca n't see where a goals gon na come from ’ .
15 But while he was most conscious of himself , clumsy in uneasy gratitude , Emily was delighted with it all .
16 I would be bored by it all .
17 ‘ I must confess I 'm pretty sick about it all , ’ he said seriously , then when she threw him a startled glance he suddenly grinned .
18 The little boys were so matter-of-fact about it all .
19 This fellow , who must be the only , or almost the only , surviving person outside Japan who has been the target of a nuclear bomb , and who knows what it 's like for real ( as opposed to the criminally bone-headed fantasising about nuclear war indulged in by our sillier soldiers and politicians ) , was not only matter-of-fact about it all , as though it was the sort of thing that might have happened to anyone , but he actually admitted that he had never given a thought to the possibility that he might be at risk as a result of the radiation he undoubtedly suffered at the time until recent weeks when various busybodies brought the matter to his attention .
20 Despite the British media 's gleeful acceptance of its role as Prophet of Destruction ( there are two television crews and several war correspondents here ) , the average Cagliari businessman appears very relaxed about it all .
21 Stay relaxed about it all , whatever happens .
22 After the Stone Roses experience I was n't going to do anything again , I was so sick of it all .
23 There are times when I go down to the beach at The Pit and I 'm the only surfer down there and I 'm so frustrated with it all that I sit on a rock and shout my head off .
24 Well ac actually on it 's , looks absolutely horrible and just thought it looked really nice and I was , did n't feel comfortable in it all night !
25 Brooding over it all in his weakened condition brought him low , in a dangerous state of depression .
26 Now , seeing as my own computer literacy extends only as far as Super Mario Bros , I 'm left feeling a little bewildered by it all .
27 ‘ I confess myself bewildered by it all — since my lord 's death , you see , it has been difficult to determine one 's friends from one 's enemies ! ’
28 He was frankly bewildered by it all .
29 I am very confused by it all .
30 And I suppose being predictable about it all , I better play this for you if you 're on your way to an aerobics keep fit class some time this afternoon , or this evening .
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