Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] be [prep] " in BNC.

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1 I 'm sorry about being in a mood Saturday but I was n't really in a mood with you .
2 I 'm sorry about being in a mood on Saturday but I was n't really in a mood with you .
3 I 'm sure that rule is wrong about being on all play .
4 That was because I was afraid of being like them . ’
5 I mean , I 'm sure my mother does but I never believed her , I was always afraid of being like her and I 'm such a disappointment to her , so hopeless and not beautiful , not like my grandmother .
6 I think our problem here is it gets so windy with being on the corner .
7 It was entirely different from being on an out-station .
8 There may be occasions when we feel ourselves in favour of particular activities that are defined as crimes ; but that is entirely different from being in favour of crime .
9 Local rugby has a big match tomorrow as well … there 's another round of league matches … the one we 're interested in is at Franklin Gardens …
10 I can hardly stand up at the best of times — which is n't surprising when the only ice I 'm interested in is in my Scotch on the rocks !
11 We have a regulator that all he 's interested in is in fact doing Michael Heseltine 's work for him .
12 So the only thing er we 're interested in is in er Some Mothers Do Have Them , seven thirty .
13 Yes , I think for a lot of people that 's true and I do n't denigrate that because I think a lot of good work goes on in the Women 's Institute , but what we are particularly interested in is in the professional craftsman , the craftsman who has trained for a number of year to produce extremely good work , and what we try to do is to make that work more available to the public in a number of ways .
14 Hopefully he 's interested in being in this band that we 're trying to put together .
15 As American banks retrench , they will corner almost all the profitable business at home , leaving Europeans and a handful of Japanese banks to fight over deals that are either unprofitable or too risky to be of interest .
16 Since the awareness from which we recoil is constantly being forced on us by pain or misfortune , no doubt many or most people can take every opportunity they have to avoid the unpleasant without being in any danger of becoming more aware of the bright side than the dark .
17 In this situation , it is much more sensible to be in the second or even third row from the start line , but you should be right at the starboard end .
18 In the opposite direction is Tilly Manor in West Harptree , which looks altogether too French to be in north Somerset .
19 To prefer solitude with a book or a record-player is after all to have a case to answer — ‘ It 's wrong to be by yourself ’ — though not , as some would say , an unanswerable case .
20 ‘ It 's wrong to be by yourself ’ is an American song , after all , and it is not on the whole a British sentiment .
21 But , if you were prepared to be of service to us … ’
22 Everyone on the audition panel is prepared to be on your side and supportive .
23 David might not be his real kith and kin , but he was honest , and he was hard-working … willing to be at his beck and call and to labour long hours , with only a pittance for his troubles .
24 Exciting to be with
25 We often had to work through the night to get the stage ready in time , but it was exciting to be in one of the Queen 's palaces at Christmas .
26 After all , even the official sales pitches were often too uninformative , or too ill-spelt and ungrammatical to be of much use .
27 He is different , Florence Ames thought , he has n't anything to say because he is embarrassed to be with me .
28 You know , that is a good test of your relationship with a person if there is a sense in which you are embarrassed to be with them , and there 's long periods of silence it 's a pretty good test that it 's not a deep relationship you have with them .
29 Byrne looks embarrassed to be in it — and it is indeed a sore waste of his undoubted talents — while Basinger as usual goes for the lowest common , and I mean common , denominator .
30 Wendler recognises that object-oriented technology will play a central role in the distributed management systems of the future , though it is too immature to be of any real use at present , he says — ‘ the class definition stuff that OMG is working on now is much more important than the Object Request Broker . ’
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