Example sentences of "[adj] [prep] [adv] the " in BNC.

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1 For instance , building-society deposits , bank cash accounts , and National Savings holdings all rose sharply throughout the period , especially with high interest rates prevailing for almost the whole of the 1970s .
2 They reported directly to the ruler they represented , often using their own cyphers : it was quite possible for neither the foreign nor the war minister ever to see their reports .
3 The intention is to highlight how today we in this country may join through our offerings with those of little or no material wealth in the Third World in the urgent task of making human development possible for even the poorest .
4 More recently , the coming of photography has made it possible for even the least talented among us to produce our own pictorial records .
5 Indeed , it now became possible for even the temporary and seasonal migrations of Italian or Irish harvesters or railway builders to extend across the oceans .
6 In response , Congress , in the 1974 Act , included provisions requiring the president to report impoundments to the legislature , making it possible for either the House or the Senate to compel the release of impounded funds , and obliging the executive to spend them in accordance with legislative intent .
7 In such a case it is possible for either the seller or the buyer to commit an anticipatory breach of contract , i.e. to repudiate the contract before the time for performance .
8 Rain spoiled the opening day of Durham 's first match as a first-class county to the extent that play was possible for only the morning session , which allowed Paul Parker and John Glendenen to put on 119 in an untroubled manner off 34 overs .
9 Ideally , an archaeologist wants to obtain as much information as possible about both the stratigraphy of a site and its plan , but there is a conflict between the two approaches .
10 Arrowanas are large fish , reportedly reaching lengths of up to three feet ( 90cm ) , but in captivity rarely exceeding 2′ ( 60cm ) and an eighteen inch ( 45cm ) specimen would be very respectable for even the biggest of aquariums .
11 Some rich men took utterly destitute people into their houses , where they performed menial services , and it was usual for even the moderately well-off to invite poor men and strangers off the street to eat meals at home .
12 After a few months of therapy it is usual for even the most intense form of cat phobia to disappear .
13 ( d ) The expelled partner Whilst often enough the circumstances will be sufficiently clear for even the most recalcitrant individual to accept his fate , the traumatic nature of the process is highly conducive to acrimony .
14 What with Mrs Clements and the girls also gone for the week , I suppose I was very conscious of the fact that once I departed , Darlington Hall would stand empty for probably the first time this century — perhaps for the first time since the day it was built .
15 I was reminded of stories about some immigrant Irish who arrived in America in the aftermath of the Great Hunger , bereft of even the basic skills of domestic cookery .
16 Skulls of aliens adorned the banner-hung , tapestried walls , their eyeless sockets forever blinded to the mysteries of those who had mastered them , their hollow craniums empty of even the ghost of a twisted , unhuman thought .
17 Most modern central-heating systems work very well , especially if they are regularly serviced , but things can go wrong with even the best-maintained system .
18 Standing on the south bank and looking across the river at the village , one can see that it is still well-wooded with only the church spire and a small number of houses visible through the trees .
19 This means that the account given is rooted in the natural setting of what is being described , and is thus very different from both the formal interview and laboratory research , which involve creating an artificial situation in which the data is collected .
20 It is dual density , but quite different from either the Skywalk or Vibram ones used in the other boots reviewed , the shock absorbing layer being very much thicker and softer .
21 In contrast , the conformation of CsA when bound to cyclophilin is very different from either the crystal or chloroform-solution structures of uncomplexed CsA .
22 But Gide 's account especially does suggest how the vision of desire as loss is strangely inseparable from both the blindness of desire and its capacity to know more than it wants .
23 It is clear from both the untransformed and the transformed plot that the oil-producing countries tend to have low life expectancies for their level of wealth .
24 If you 're interested in either the design or purchase of jewellery then a unique opportunity has come to Glasgow this week .
25 Sevens , through very popular in both the Northern and Southern Hemispheres , does not set the world alight in Southern Africa .
26 If we want to work at a high level of stress , however , anywhere near the potential strength of glass for instance , we must be prepared to keep the surface free from even the most microscopic cracks for , if even one crack is allowed to exceed the Griffith length , which may be only about a thousand Ångströms , catastrophic failure will occur .
27 If it is a possible view that section 8 is intended to put a 16- or 17-year-old in exactly the same position as an adult and there is thus some ambiguity , although I do not think that there is , it is a permissible aid to construction to seek to ascertain the mischief at which the section is directed .
28 Water is reflective in both the literal and philosophical sense and , as a mirror of the skies , draws down all of creation within reach of the gardener .
29 The theory that success breeds success is particularly appropriate to the rise of headhunting : the early searches played a crucial part in promoting the concept of executive search as a necessary tool of modern business , acceptable in even the most conservative American Boardrooms .
30 Had he not better make that clear to both the Conservative and Labour Members who still believe that Britain could stay out of the developments that will take place in Europe ?
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