Example sentences of "[adj] [verb] [noun pl] ['s] " in BNC.

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1 They will examine the way election polling was done and factors that may have influenced the findings , such as the declining proportion of people willing to answer interviewers ' questions .
2 I should be interested to hear readers ' verdicts on the matter .
3 There are many shops that are quite happy to accept posters advertising school events and there are others that are willing to display children 's work for a limited period .
4 She made her way back into the house , and was quite prepared to ignore Piers 's presence on the sofa , when something made her stop .
5 Er this erm world of fantasy is a very wonderful place because in this world it 's very easy to meet peoples ' I T requirements .
6 Professional expenses of up to £2,500 also are available where appropriate to cover solicitors ' and other costs in connection with a move .
7 Streetwise keeps students ' motivation strong …
8 Some large firms have found it impossible to match competitors ' spending : Jaguar found it could not afford the costs of developing the next generation of engines and models and was forced to sell out to Ford in 1989 for £1.6 billion .
9 This suggests feminism is crucial to attain women 's real and recognised participation in development , and that it is the way forward for women 's development .
10 It will be appreciated that these decisions within English teaching , as they are seen as likely to affect pupils ' future working and leisure conditions , might be poignantly uncomfortable to resolve for working-class teachers .
11 In practice , management development proposals find it hard to claim managers ' interest in the face of demand for improved patient care , professional training , etc .
12 Moves are afoot to increase tutors ' profiles in clinical areas — indeed the implementation of the Post Registration Education and Practice Project ( PREPP ; UKCC , 1989 ) might mean this is insisted on — but there remains a void caused by the demise of clinical teachers per se .
13 The figures may have changed a decade later , but the proportions are probably still fairly accurate in showing the more specialized libraries more likely to use publishers ' catalogues .
14 We decided to become hermits ; and we used to try very hard to build hermits ' cells in an orchard belonging to the house … .
15 He also understood what few canvassers of the more earnest sort admit , even to themselves : that canvassing in a parliamentary election is not supposed to change electors ' minds .
16 The Scottish reforms for curriculum , assessment and national testing for 5 to 14 year olds are likely to influence teachers ' ideas about teaching and learning .
17 Secondly , the mode of presentation and response is likely to influence pupils ' thinking .
18 It is customary to check patients ' blood coagulation before ERCp and correct any detected abnormality .
19 Suppose that in the future it becomes possible to predict others ' behaviour more efficiently by observation and computation than by the always hazardous venture of trying to fathom the mysteries of the human heart .
20 Tarama is the salted and dried roe of the grey mullet , but is more usual to use cods ' roe which is easily available from fishmongers and delicatessens .
21 Representatives from statutory bodies will be present to answer residents ' queries on issues such as housing and community services .
22 That said , some of the lyrics do n't stand up to too close an inspection : ‘ I ride my bike like it 's a rocket/I like to pop peoples ' eyes outta the socket ’ from the equally dubiously titled ‘ Whama-Lama-Bam-Bam-Boy ’ sounds like something outta Bizzerk , while lines beginning ‘ Hey pretty mama ’ should be left in the '70s , where they belong .
23 That said , some of the lyrics do n't stand up to too close an inspection : ‘ I ride my bike like it 's a rocket/I like to pop peoples ' eyes outta the socket ’ from the equally dubiously titled ‘ Whama-Lama-Bam-Bam-Boy ’ sounds like something outta Bizzerk , while lines beginning ‘ Hey pretty mama ’ should be left in the '70s , where they belong .
24 All programs need to be considered in terms of " crashability " and those selecting software should try to discover in advance what facilities are in-built to protect users ' data , if for example , the break key on the BBC-B microcomputer is pressed .
25 Gloria still , if riddled with the pox ( their secret ) , good to turn men 's heads .
26 He has been able to see others ' strengths and weaknesses .
27 It was a programme concerned to encourage children 's visual awareness through the careful observation of the variety of tangible things in their environment .
28 It 's important to know parents ' expectations of the school , to know of their dreams and ambitions for their children .
29 Probably this is because we were able to explore students ' work in an active way .
30 Teachers will be able to identify pupils ' weaknesses , which they will then be expected , so far as is possible , to correct .
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