Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] did [noun] " in BNC.

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1 And the experiments with sound that Hitchcock carried out in films such as Blackmail ( 1929 ) and Murder ( 1931 ) , as well as the narrative innovations of Rich and Strange ( 1932 , East of Shanghai in US ) , seem to have irritated Maxwell even more than similar developments did C. M. Woolf .
2 Only after receiving assurances that the Emperor would neither be embarrassed nor be expected to apologize for atrocities committed by Japanese forces did Miyazawa consent to the visit .
3 In the block where the RAF ground staff were housed , a similar problem did surface , not to do with boots but with Matthew 's flute .
4 On only three or four occasions in his entire presidency did de Gaulle permit frank exchanges and an open debate in the Council of Ministers .
5 Only with that official invitation did Manville open the file and pull out its contents .
6 Which Jewish feast did Jesus celebrate with his parents in Jerusalem when he was twelve years old ?
7 Not until the shock of the Crimean invasion did Ivan abolish the oprichnina , and intermittent terror continued for the rest of his reign , swallowing up not a few of the opochniks themselves .
8 And he looked in quite good form did Bob and he did n't look as though he had too many worries and then this happens and you wonder just whether it was n't premeditated rather than in haste .
9 With good cause did Kine Weekly subsequently hail the film for giving ‘ promise of a genuine reaction against the deeply-rooted Wardour Street superstition that America will only buy pictures similar to her own . ’
10 " T was brillig , and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe ; All mimsy were the borogoves , And the mome raths outgrabe .
11 T was brillig and the slithy toves Did gyre and gimble in the wabe ; All mimsy were the borogoves , And the mome raths outgrabe .
12 Which future prime minister did Harold Wilson beat to become leader of the Labour Party ?
13 was necessary for our salvation but the question asks what , for what , what other important reasons did Jesus come to earth
14 The results were often not good , yet only in a few severe cases did HMI go in and make an impact with its report .
15 There 's also some murals on the walls , various artists did murals and of course they 've got this grant from for six thousand pound for a exhibition .
16 Now , it was responding to what de Gaulle had called the solemn pact which was at the moment being sealed ‘ in the suffering of all and the blood of the soldiers ’ between France and the peoples of the Indochinese Union and to his belief that ‘ not for a single hour did France lose the hope and the will to recover free Indo-China ’ .
17 Freddy , young lady , last seen nineteen sixty five working in the lace market in Nottingham at , think she lived nearby at Carlton , Nottingham and had long red hair did Freddy .
18 We went to Southport the other week did mum tell you we went ?
19 Only when transport was made available for some other reason did journalists — meaning , as a rule , Government journalists — get a chance to report news from Zambia 's rural areas .
20 . Daryl was utterly taken about , what in the wide world did Sally mean , she watched the girl go out of the room and sat down on the form completely bewildered .
21 Several jobs were paid below the National Insurance contribution threshold ( Hakim , 1989 ) , while other women did jobs like running catalogues which were not recognised as ‘ work ’ .
22 Trite though it was , Jean-Jacques Annaud 's version of Umberto Eco 's bestselling novel did wonders for the selling of young Christian .
23 LOCAL runners did Alton proud in the gruelling London Marathon on Sunday .
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