Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] would have " in BNC.

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1 A short-term contract would have been ideal experience . ’
2 To reach it other than by boat or wading in low tide would have taken an hour 's drive , so it was not often visited by the women .
3 John was going to make his comforting fiction — that she had not really saved the firm , merely secured it a little earlier than the normal contracts would have saved it anyway — he was going to make it true , by ( in effect ) doctoring the books .
4 It could , for example , refuse to hand a child back to a drunk parent but the child 's continued detention against parental wishes would have to be authorised by court order as soon as possible .
5 If the Labour Party were to build up an effective electoral machine , its leaders argued such controversial activities would have to be abandoned in the interests of widening popular support .
6 Though , within the limits of building activity set by the Labour government , it is unlikely that the development charge procedure seriously affected the supply of land , it is probable that the Conservative government 's plans for private building would have been jeopardised by it .
7 The intelligence and sensitivity by which some people draw rich implications from quite narrow experience would have nothing to work on if they had not plunged deep into that experience .
8 The National Economic Assessment would have been boycotted , loans from the Industrial Investment Bank accepted under duress , and the Technology Trusts lampooned .
9 But as the Community moved towards the goal of political union the European Parliament would have to give greater co-legislating powers to the Council of Ministers .
10 Under this draft , the European Parliament would have increased powers to approve the legislative measures necessary to establish the final stage of EMU , but the Commission would retain exclusive rights to initiate this legislation .
11 The platter of assorted vegetables would have delighted a vegan .
12 If these missiles had triggered ESM equipment on all the British ships , unnecessary confusion would have resulted defence chiefs believed .
13 To translate this new legal status into political action would have required an organised support basis and this did not exist .
14 Adams , for instance , says , of the historical analysis of discourses of ‘ mothering ’ she suggests , that ‘ it is unclear what purchase political action would have ’ on it ( 1983 : 51 ) .
15 ‘ Because no man in his right mind would have you .
16 The services were cut so drastically that at the time no one in their right mind would have forecast that they would become so bad .
17 no-one in their right mind would have bet on that being the winner .
18 All fourth and fifth year pupils in maintained schools would have nine weekly science lessons , three each in physics .
19 Even if it is likely that a Labour administration would have failed in the round to solve Britain 's fundamental problems , there is little doubt that at a minimum there would have been a substantial redistribution of income and some attempt to reform the City , regulate public utilities more strongly and determinedly tackle the homelessness problem .
20 In his long and ultimately successful battle against the latter organization ( a European army in which French , German , and other European units would have been integrated under American command ) de Gaulle developed all his objections to supranationalism .
21 Without an infusion of funds from the DHSS ( now DSS ) , fewer private homes would have been established and many more would have proved to be unprofitable .
22 Companies adopting the European statute would have to choose between three versions of worker participation .
23 In the case of William Black , the political considerations would have been no less difficult to ignore .
24 Even without Vietnam Western European nations would have taken a more independent line from America .
25 It was suggested in Chapter Four that people who possessed three specific characteristics would have been highly unlikely to remain at home for any length of time .
26 If the murderer was not from Godstowe , and any normal outsider would have been noticed , perhaps there 's a third possibility ? ’
27 These and other strange animals would have given Olduvai a unique ambience , but the basic framework of the present-day savannah environment had already been established .
28 Possible peers would have included Mr Bragg , Sir ‘ Dickie ’ Attenborough , and television 's Sir Denis Forman .
29 Moreover the political parties would have to set up in every one of them the organization required for the preparation of their lists : an obligation they would be very unlikely to contemplate with enthusiasm .
30 With the impending General Election and current deep recession , coupled with a possible world slow-down in trade , opposing political parties would have us believe different interpretations of the current state of the economy .
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