Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] if [ex0] " in BNC.

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1 However , a potential sub-tenant may well be reluctant to consider part of a self-contained building if there is little chance of gaining identity and the building is dominated by signage .
2 Of course the citizens charter , as it applies to British Rail 's activities , will also be a means of taking forward the rights of passengers to ensure a proper response or compensation from British Rail if there is shoddy service .
3 It brought home to me that even tinpot local councillors will ruthlessly exploit irrational prejudice if there is political mileage in it .
4 ( However , this may also apply in the public sector if there are overlapping agencies — see below . )
5 The fact that a power has no legal source does not render it unreviewable by the High Court if there are sound reasons for and no good reasons against such review .
6 Note that any of the above applications may be made to a county court care centre or the High Court if there are already public law proceedings pending in that court in relation to the same child ( APO , art 3(3) ) .
7 An investor can invest in either domestic securities or foreign securities if there are no foreign exchange control restrictions preventing him from doing so .
8 The gull wing doors which are unique to the TB range — and decidedly difficult to open when you 're standing on the wing — provide good access once you 're used to them and must be the easiest escape routes around in light aviation if there is a mishap .
9 Employers are entitled to require their employees to move to different premises if there is an express term in the contract which specifies where they may be required to work .
10 It could be a useful raw material if there were locally a need for mild alkali in this form .
11 Does he agree that if — in his admirable phrase — we are to prevent the Commission interfering in the nooks and crannies of everyday life , it would be greatly to the advantage of all European countries if there were a thorough overhaul of the mechanics for the administration of the Commission ?
12 Gaitskell also reminded the cabinet that Britain might soon require American economic help if there were a balance of payments crisis .
13 There was a lot of sense to this , with little point in earning more real income if there was no time available in which to spend it .
14 Some people find it easier to speak about personal matters if there is background noise , be it music or the hum of conversation , while others find even the slightest noise distracting .
15 A company may lose its ability to carry forward surplus ACT if there is a change of ownership of the company that is accompanied by a major change in the nature of the trade or business within three years either side of the change in ownership , or a substantial revival of the trade or business ( s 245 ) .
16 Er , at the time , we had no response when this was announced by Jim erm , it does in fact clash with our council meeting but in view of the fact that erm our business meeting Se , in December is not until the second Monday , I would be happy to put the erm council meeting back to the following Monday if there was sufficient interest from the members .
17 A well orchestrated campaign has been going on in the British press for the last two or three weeks , led by a PR firm engaged by the dealer Dr David Nasser Khalili himself , to persuade the British public that it would be a crying shame if there were not a Nasser Khalili museum in the centre of London .
18 At the time when this paper on basic factors in Soviet Far Eastern policy was being composed , the late summer of 1948 , the major points of difference within the State Department were whether or not the Russians would actively support the Chinese communists in the civil war if there was a danger that they might deviate along the path recently chosen by Yugoslavia and whether , for the same reason , the Soviets might be reluctant to foster the expansion of Chinese communist influence in Southeast Asia .
19 It 's not always easy to find compatible crews , so on selected departure dates ( we add extra dates if there 's demand ) couples or singles ( not threes ) may book to share a Moody 31 or Oceanis 320 with five aboard , or a 28ft yacht with four abroad .
20 For God 's sake , this had been going on for years , with animals making a noise — surely this is what country life is all about and it would be a sad day if there were no noises from the farms or from the back gardens of our cottages .
21 Please do not advise your bank or financial institution to cancel the Direct Debiting Instruction if there are other policies under the instruction .
22 FOOTBALL clubs have been urged to make early inspections if there is any doubt about their matches to prevent clubs and fans setting off unnecessarily .
23 Trying to look positively at the situation , could I suggest that in future , passengers are advised/warned that they will need separate tickets if there is a possibility of them returning separately .
24 Harmless in himself — we thought — he would lead us to the dangerous ones if there were any .
25 It would be a more serious objection if there were no real truth there at all to which we can hope our judgements may approximate .
26 ( h ) Outstanding borrowing If there is a mortgage , it is important to write to the mortgagee to give notice of the client 's intention to redeem .
27 One nurse described how she always knocks at the door of a private room if there is a terminally ill patient in case she should catch them crying .
28 I run the climbing shop at Wasdale Head and am being asked constantly by despairing climbers if there is any news of a release date .
29 And for obvious reasons if there is an athletics programme on I make sure I watch it .
30 Animals could lead more comfortable lives if there were not so many competitors , each seeking more space to live in , more food , and ( if they are males ) more mates .
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