Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] had [vb pp] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Charles ' weak heart had failed , and this had caused his death .
2 In spite of scepticism and outright hostility to her at the court ( how could she achieve what professional commanders had failed to do ? )
3 To return to the main point : we introduced surface dyslexia as the pattern of acquired dyslexia which would be expected if neurological damage had affected the lexical procedure for reading aloud and spared the non-lexical procedure .
4 On Dec. 31 , 1991 , the two Korean states had initialled an outline agreement designed to ban nuclear weapons from the peninsula [ see pp. 38659-60 ] .
5 Although South Korea did not make an official response to the preconditions — all of which it had rejected in the past — it did agreed to suspend its pursuit of membership of the UN until the two Korean states had discussed the issue further .
6 By the time that the new Fono convened in early May , the traditional political manoeuvring had increased the HRPP 's legislative strength to 30 seats , compared with 16 for the SNDP and one independent .
7 Yet it was undeniable that the Conservative political pressure to extend rural electrification had led to a diversion of scarce capital resources into investments which were known to be unremunerative and in fact turned out to be so .
8 Forecasts now differed as to whether economic recovery had temporarily halted or whether a double-dip recession had occurred .
9 By mid-century , many scientific and professional groups had grasped the value of the new medium as an aid to empirical verification .
10 Most of the major private mines had worked normally .
11 In the 1960s regional policies had remained in national hands .
12 Coggeshall was neither large nor particularly affluent ; John Paycocke , nephew of Thomas and inheritor of the imposing Paycocke house , was assessed at no more than £53 , though the richest man in Coggeshall , his son having £10 as well ; to all appearances Thomas 's munificent bequests had depleted the family fortune .
13 In the 1970s the odds had lengthened against effective leadership from the White House ; there had been a succession of failed presidencies public confidence in political institutions had slumped disastrously and congress had become even more difficult to deal with .
14 This sum had first been mentioned in January 1991 as the amount necessary to fund the absorption of Soviet immigrants in Israel , and in February a smaller US loan guarantee to fund the housing of immigrants had only been approved after the Israeli authorities had undertaken not to use the funds in the occupied territories [ see p. 38023-24 ] .
15 The report also claimed that 3,650 people had been arrested during the curfew and that the Israeli authorities had distributed only 50,000 gas masks — to protect against possible Iraqi chemical attack — among a Palestinian population of 1,700,000 .
16 A similar conclusion emerges from a study by Caplan ( 1972 ) using another reaction time technique in which subjects had to decide whether a target word presented after a two-clause sentence had occurred in that sentence .
17 The inquiry heard that only one suicide and no accidental drownings had happened at Bellrock Quarry before last year 's double tragedy .
18 These reflected the extraordinary complexity of the political situation which had developed in Yugoslavia during the years of the German occupation , when different ethnic , religious and political groups had formed shifting alliances , according to whether their main enemy at any time had seemed to be the occupying Germans or Tito 's partisans working to establish a Socialist state in post-war Yugoslavia .
19 By March 18 , however , dialogue between the MPRP and other political groups had collapsed and communists rallied in support of the party to denounce the opposition movement .
20 A strange tenderness had entered his voice , and roughened it .
21 My old English teacher , regretting that retired freedom had coincided with the onset of arthritis , leant on her stick and said : ‘ Do things while you can . ’
22 Discreet contacts had taken place since an unpublicized trip to Nairobi in January by the Foreign Minister , Roelof " Pik " Botha .
23 During the fighting in Beirut large numbers of armed militiamen had appeared on the streets .
24 A strange change had come over Leo in the last week or so .
25 These investigations uncovered the topsy-turvy pattern of rural housing trends which the link between the structure of landholding , the financing of poor rates and the construction of rural houses had created .
26 He revealed earlier that he had no illusions about his chances of persuading US President Bush to lift economic sanctions against South Africa , but he expressed confidence that South Africa could now demonstrate clear evidence that a process of political change had begun , including moves towards negotiations and a new constitution .
27 He stared at her ; the murderous look had vanished and was replaced by one of sheer puzzlement .
28 This generous man with guinea-gold hair had come into her life so unexpectedly , but she just knew that like a guinea he would slip through her fingers before she had a chance to know him better .
29 Away to the north , Israeli cities had come under fire from Iraq 's Scuds , with Tel Aviv and Haifa being the first targets .
30 The Organisation of European Co-operation ( O.E.E.C. ) , which had been established to agree the division of the Marshall Aid among the member states , also liberated trading generally , and in a space of six years trading within the European states had doubled .
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