Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] for information " in BNC.

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1 European Support For Information Technology R & D
2 It will be usual practice for information which the Social Work Department receives after 1st April 1989 to be shared in a responsible and sensitive way , with the client to whom it relates , UNLESS the person providing it specifically requests that we do not do so .
3 The report continues : ‘ Our repeated requests for information have been largely unmet .
4 The software was co-developed by SCO , SCO distributor Steptech FIC Group and the government-backed Institute for Information Industry in Taiwan .
5 Until recently very few Europeans and hardly anyone from England had visited this area and they did not appear to have had any previous requests from foreign visitors for information , visits to courts or access to their prisons .
6 Earlier we described a paradox which was that each user or group of users has a different need for information and the way that is presented to him .
7 The Inverness-based Northern Constabulary made repeated appeals for information to help identify the 5ft 8ins teenager whose details were circulated to every police force in Britain .
8 The 20th century has seen Mozart 's reputation rise ever higher , with new scholarly publications appearing every year , and public appetite for information on the man and his music increasing all the time .
9 ‘ There is a great public demand for information on food and nutrition — and we are not here to sell a particular line , ’ he said .
10 Managing projects across countries , and linking different databases on different equipment , are challenging and interesting prospects for information managers , and will oblige us to acquire scarce and commercially valuable expertise , available later for consultancy .
11 Scheduled to begin on Aug. 30 , the talks had been delayed due to North Korea 's refusal , at an unofficial contact between foreign ministry officials prior to the talks , to respond to Japan 's repeated call for information about a Japanese woman known as Li Un Hye , who had allegedly been kidnapped by North Korea to tutor the former North Korean agent convicted of the 1987 bombing of a South Korean passenger plane [ see p. 35905 ] .
12 In February 1992 the Scottish Centre for Information on Language Teaching and Research ( SCILT ) opened at Stirling University under the directorship of Richard Johnstone .
13 The newly established Scottish Centre for Information of Language Teaching ( SCILT ) was opened formally by Lord James Douglas-Hamilton MP , Minister for Education in the Scottish Office , in June 1992 .
14 Drawing once again on the detective genre , Pynchon complicates the linear hunt for information , partly by rendering every detail as ambiguous as possible and partly by having Oedipa literally go round in a huge circle when she is pursuing an ‘ underground ’ mail courier .
15 Viewers are invited to phone a free number for information on how to help the prisoners .
16 It is expected that this combination will not only ensure the continuing existence of the profession but also identify a high potential for information managers and librarians and a rapid growth in the requirements for their services .
17 In Britain , to date , there has been little experience of union influence over selection amongst the technical and social options for information technology .
18 There is a need for objective textbooks that will help both end-users and intermediaries to compare the advantages and disadvantages of different systems for information retrieval .
19 It is possible that risky situations may lead to enhanced memory for information centrally important to driving in the situation but show impairments in memory for information peripheral to the driving task .
20 Detectives have issued a fresh appeal for information following an incident in Hartlepool 's Middleton Grange Shopping Centre on Saturday in which a security guard suffered a hairline fracture of the skull .
21 DTI and SERC working together within a Joint Framework for Information Technology
22 Securing the suppression of the foreign slave trade might be achieved in part in wartime by naval power but otherwise was mainly seen as requiring lobbying of and consultation with ministers , communicating with British diplomats and naval commanders for information and to provide stimulus to intervention in particular cases and pressing arguments upon foreign leaders , particularly during the Congress phase of European diplomacy in the years following the defeat of Napoleon .
23 No more the cutie , she was the serious seeker for information : " Tell me about afforestation .
24 ‘ The make of the watch was Optima , so I contacted the British Horological Institute for information .
25 The writer , who is identified only as ‘ W. ’ , is answering a request by the critic Thomas Holt White in the preceding issue for information on Leapor .
26 When would you use a serial file for information retrieval ?
27 The main need is to determine in what ways their own individual needs for information can be satisfied by online services and which are the most suitable .
28 The information on the Sports Council database helped the pupil to clarify his real needs for information and make decisions based on the information he found .
29 The first priority for a systematic communications programme is to meet the employee 's personal need for information directly relevant to himself such as : the payments system ; hours and conditions ; status and boss ( who gives me orders , who are my subordinates ) ; amenities and fringe benefits ; termination arrangements ( what justice do I get ) ; leave ; discipline ( penalties , rules , grievance procedure ) ; union and key officials ; prospects ; changes affecting him ( new boss , working conditions , rearrangement of the plant , office accommodation ) etc .
30 The company pitches Acrobat as an alternative to the ubiquitous ASCII — American Standard Code for Information Interchange — file exchange protocol used by most computer operators .
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