Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] of [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 It is not known whether there is an increase in colonic absorption of PEGs with age in humans such as is seen in rats , and whether this could have influenced the results .
2 The walls had long ago disappeared under a solid mass of posters and playbills , some of them so old that they 'd faded completely .
3 There is a limit to the size of picture that you can create in this shape , as a solid mass of flowers can lose all sense of size or identity when it becomes too large .
4 It is certain that the vice-chancellor in the chair gained the impression from what was said at the meeting that they were forced to elect from a weak field of candidates .
5 There are two important distinctions to make : that between contentious and non-contentious business , and that between private payment of fees and legal aid .
6 In the classic cooking of professionals meat juice or broth goes with everything , olive oil with nothing save salads , vinaigrette and mayonnaise sauces .
7 The ‘ culture of contentment ’ — Galbraith might equally have used the phrase ‘ culture of complacency ’ — is the prevailing majority of electors in the US , UK and other advanced economies .
8 It provided for total investments of Epounds 14,500 million , of which Epounds 9,600 million would be allocated to the public sector and the balance to the private sector .
9 In this latter condition , gluten ( which is also found in oats , barley , and rye ) produces damage to the lining of the bowel , preventing normal absorption of nutrients from the diet .
10 He had , after all , defended these lush romances of giants and magicians and genii as ways of reaching truths that were not accessible from any other track .
11 Between 8 and 12 May 5 Corps had taken the surrender of the six assorted groups of Cossacks , White Russians , Caucasians and Ukrainians referred to in Chapter One .
12 There were conflicting accounts of clashes between Issa and Oromo groups in Djibouti and Ethiopia on July 9-15 ; the UN High Commissioner for Refugees ' representative in Djibouti apologized to the government for what he said was an incorrect report from the UNHCR that as many as 250 people had been killed .
13 Parental views of schools are influenced by television programmes particularly by the way that stereotypes are reinforced in drama .
14 In formulating its market timing recommendations , IES applies rules and inductive reasoning as well as the combined expertise of professionals .
15 Matched pairs of applications were sent for each post — one with an English name and one with an Asian name .
16 The experts have only to accept that the joint sessions also used groups of models kitted-out for each occasion by Rembrandt from his well stocked theatrical wardrobe and used them for painting as well as for drawing , to come to realize that their efforts over the last seventy years have been largely misdirected .
17 In addition , these authors reported the personal communication of three possible unpublished cases of carcinoids developing in patients with sporadic Zollinger-Ellison sydrome .
18 Advance copies of reports are provided to the press and other interested parties at a cost of about £6,000 a year .
19 In short , if there can be any meaningful talk of " reduction " here at all , it is perhaps only of a possible reduction of properties to ( non-mental and logically independent ) relations , not vice versa .
20 He/she must not only offer an accurate description of the death-like oppressiveness of the capitalist world as it is developing in the first half of the twentieth century , but must also depict accurately and without facile romanticism or glib sentimentality , the angry and determined political struggle of men and women refusing to acquiesce to the oppressive forces of capitalist society .
21 To have a chance of winning one of these fabulous pairs of boots all you have to do is find the following eight words in the word square : LINE 7 , GORETEX , GT RIFT , RAIDER , PANDA , RANGER , ROVER and LADY GT .
22 Furthermore , even within the narrow spectrum of industries covered by the above studies there was considerable evidence ( Farberman 1975 : 447 ) of persons being prepared to refuse the offer and accept the consequences , which were not always as severe as the Godfather analogy suggests .
23 Thus , it was argued , whatever effect upon the market the authorities might have , it would be confined to a very narrow spectrum of assets and interest rates .
24 Within this context , this is the description of the customs , beliefs and traditions of human societies , from which come the specific meanings of words ( Rivers 1964 ) .
25 The continued armed presence of Palestinians , defending the camp areas but also renewing their attacks on Israel 's northern border , destroyed much of the remaining solidarity offered by the Sunni Muslim and Druze communities .
26 This award will , I trust , help dispel the old perception of Rentokil as merely a woodworm and pest control company , and to help to give it the recognition it deserves — for what it is today — a major multi-national company with a broad base of services of wide-ranging benefits ’ .
27 London Transport has launched a free distribution colour tabloid for the capital , London Direct , aiming to appeal to the broad base of consumers .
28 These were to ensure accountability , limit influence of contributors , provoke competitiveness , support the two party system , encourage a broad base of contributions , control the burdens of fund-raising , ensure campaign communication , and to protect political freedom .
29 We are able to give him the support necessary to ensure a comprehensive service for his broad base of clients . ’
30 Thus we can see that there is a broad variety of approaches which we may group under the heading of ‘ natural law theories ’ because they all rely on something other than state law to constitute the valid rules of a legal system .
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