Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [vb -s] that " in BNC.

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1 Another identity-shy correspondent states that ‘ the correct arena for changing the law in respect of hunting is to go through parliament . ’
2 However , it is where the emotional component predominates that psychiatrists have traditionally labelled the illness ‘ affective ’ , rather than ‘ schizophrenic ’ .
3 With pads on his knees , Norman Croucher shows that six points of contact can have advantages
4 The DES ( 1984b ) reports some work to identify a link between the proportion entering higher education of those qualified ( QPI ) and unemployment , and conclude from some aggregate level analyses that if these results are valid they imply that much of 2.1 per cent rise in QPI in 1981/82 could be attributed to the total increase in unemployment — from 1.8 million to 2.7 million between July , 1980 and July , 1981 .
5 Its extremely low rating suggests that the answers given were open , honest and highly reliable .
6 The Centre 's location in the Edinburgh Green Belt and the Pentland Hills Regional Park means that there are restrictions on developments such as you describe .
7 This prompt removal suggests that he was identified with the Woodvilles , although More is alone in the story that Rotherham had delivered the great seal to the queen when she went into sanctuary .
8 This prompt removal suggests that he was identified with the Woodvilles , although More is alone in the story that Rotherham had delivered the great seal to the queen when she went into sanctuary .
9 Its prevailing whiteness implies that it , too , sees black women as black , not women .
10 Economic experience shows that , if Russia sticks with reform , it can expect the kind of export boom that other reforming communist economies have had .
11 But the hierarchical reductionist believes that carburettors are explained in terms of smaller units which are explained in terms of smaller units … , which are ultimately explained in terms of the smallest of fundamental particles .
12 One American political scientist argues that the debate on Latin America is the most sophisticated and open of all published Soviet debates on the outside world ( Hough : 1981 ) .
13 The technical literature suggests that structural factors may have been more important than price factors in explaining the persistent deficit .
14 Antidiarrhoeal agents , broad spectrum antibiotics , cholestyramine , sulphasalazine , and oral corticosteroids have all been used but anecdotal experience suggests that satisfactory control of diarrhoea is rarely achieved .
15 One Labour peer admits that , if the abolition of the life and hereditary peerage removes the independent crossbencher , you enter a ‘ constitutional quagmire ’ .
16 In the last a frontal foot shows that Hermes stood on the right above the head of the emerging monster , like Athena in fig. 121 ; and the placing of the hero is very similar though the movement ( straight across the field as in the other ) is pulling instead of pushing .
17 Fred Voncken , head of finance for the Directorate of the Arts of the Ministry of Culture told The Art Newspaper that the Minister , Mrs Hedy d'Ancona , having received the backing of the two main political parties , has urged the cabinet to accept the changes as soon as the European Parliament decides that a lower VAT band is permissible for all cultural activities .
18 First , the fragmentation of the political authorities means that the unions may be negotiating separately with a number of different state agencies : for example , with the sponsoring ministry and the ministry for labour or employment .
19 His as-yet unpublished review concludes that conservation has had little impact on overall energy policy .
20 ITN 's political match-summariser says that ‘ individually the polls are all over the place , but put them all together and you get a message you can trust ’ — not a science graduate , presumably .
21 ‘ This private industry fears that it may be sacrificed to make room for more deep-mined coal production .
22 His own dismissal of deconstruction as a merely textual practice means that he is himself at a loss when faced with the complex conceptual dialectics of the same and the other .
23 The tenor of Lord Roskill 's speech in Junior Books suggests that he intended to develop a principle of general application to cases of pure economic loss caused by negligent acts .
24 This can also become a vicious circle ; the drain on their emotional reserves means that some people feel less able to cope physically , which , in turn , contributes to a further drain on both emotional and physical resources .
25 The plan has ten key priorities with specific action points that provide a framework for the Institute 's activities over each 12-month period .
26 A recent large-scale study of special needs provision in junior schools suggests that while teachers ' attitudes to low-achieving children are broadly positive , they are pessimistic about the ability of such children to derive much benefit from increased special needs provision ( Croll and Moses , 1985 ) .
27 The Iranian reply states that Mr Nezameddin ‘ was collaborating to take action against the national security of the country ’ .
28 A map of plant distribution based on palaeobotanical data suggests that the Late Permian ’ Glossopteris biome' was comparable to the modern ‘ cool temperate ’ Biome , which consists of deciduous angiosperm forests in temperate high latitudes where average daily temperatures are 10 °C for at least one-third of the year .
29 However , extensive research shows that the stereotypically female role of mother , as well as other social disadvantage , is actually associated with vulnerability to depression and broader distress ( Brown and Harris , 1978 ; Richman , 1974 , 1976 ; Moss and Plavis , 1977 ) .
30 A spokesman for Midland said : ‘ They are technical rule breaches that happened three years ago .
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