Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [conj] we " in BNC.

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1 Shadows and sunlight race about inside the confined cockpit while reflections of white and blue chase one another across the mirror-shiny canopy as we describe the laziest of barrel rolls .
2 We still cherished the idea of putting together a ‘ counterblast ’ ; but I perceived in due course that we had begun to differ regarding the objective to be demolished .
3 We have to face the European proposals and we shall tackle them as we tackle all other European proposals — in the interests of British farmers and British consumers .
4 The statement just as a as a useful instrument will er I hope it will be a useful instrument er is a step in probably the right direction and we just wait and see .
5 Mark : ‘ We get really strong reactions when we play .
6 The car is travelling at about 100 mph on the straights and braking hard before corners ; but it is stable enough for me to make notes and so quiet in the leather and teak-lined cabin that we can easily hear each other through out helmets .
7 Perhaps , humanly speaking , some of us had doubted during a period of economic recession that we would achieve such a level of giving but God had been honoured .
8 ‘ There were definite signs that we were able to read each other 's play — we linked well and looked dangerous .
9 There are no definite plans but we are looking at the options for the future . ’
10 We must either have such confidence in social work 's professional values that we wait for everything to sort itself out , or social workers must grasp their own destiny .
11 They work for those and algebra just follows , so it just follows the normal rules that we 're using for the numbers that we know .
12 er we er launched the Medical Daily in Spain with our Spanish associates and we 've introduced interactive videos that our er Natural Sciences Division have Addison Wesley and elsewhere .
13 But this only raises another question : how do we know a specific presence when we see one ?
14 But she had a strange temperament and we Were told by one man who worked for John Sayer and had helped to break her in that she was n't right in the head .
15 What am I saying as we sit here talking about this rather strange difficulty that we find ourselves in ?
16 At midday Romany cut the engines , and Milhaez steered the barge into a narrow inlet where we moored between the bank and a low island of reeds and stunted palms .
17 I think you mentioned earlier on in the meeting that some authorities have n't taken advantage of European money and we do n't want to fall into that trap .
18 But we 've been involved with two specific projects that we 've worked on in conjunction with the tenants ' association ,
19 In the long term , that might be a more effective way of encouraging investment than some of the short-term proposals that we have heard today .
20 The Conservative party ignores the economic policies that we propose , although many independent commentators identify that they would be not only successful , but more successful than the Government policies —
21 New York cabbie Jimmy said : ‘ It 's been a long , awful struggle that we 've been fighting since we were kids .
22 There was every possible opportunity and we discussed it ; he was keen but not importunate , which naturally made me love him more and be more inclined to give him what he was so sweetly not insisting on , but something held me back .
23 I was an emotional morsel as we headed back .
24 Although it looked completely different , it was this truck that gave me the concept for ‘ MiniMag ’ , the 27ft ( 8m ) articulated truck that we used for Mrs Thatcher 's open-air meetings in the 1987 election .
25 Yes , we grieve when tragedy strikes in such awful forms as we have seen recently .
26 There are , however , different levels of publication that could be developed which would eventually help more material to become available at the professional level that we have been discussing .
27 In this way , there is a total freedom for we are free in the mundane , unhampered by transcendent principles and we are free in the transcendent .
28 G M B is very busy and very influential on your behalf at European level and we appreciate what G M B does for us .
29 But it helps to expiate our imagined sins if we have a bogeyman to hand , a Drug Baron .
30 But unfortunately er it seems to fall on many deaf ears and we the Society as other many charities who deal with animals are left to pick up the pieces .
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