Example sentences of "[adj] [noun] [prep] within " in BNC.

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1 With strong support from within the university Smith was elected to replace him , though he himself felt that the other applicant should have been chosen .
2 He makes himself known with a tiny , metallic clink-clink-clink from within the bushes .
3 The detailed administration of applications is handled by a full-time Modular Admissions Officer who draws on clerical support from within the Registry and who makes substantial use of the central computer services .
4 Furthermore , as it appeared to have popular support from within the hobby , more detailed information was needed before reacting any further .
5 You are able to run your favourite compiler from within WinEdit and it will monitor the compilers output and allow you to view any warnings or error messages .
6 Thus all public referrals from within Rochdale received by the team between 1 October 1987 and 31 March 1988 were monitored and evaluated via the completion of a pre-coded questionnaire .
7 She had tried to put matters right in the proper manner from within the system , but that had n't worked , and she believed the Children 's Hearing system was at risk in Orkney .
8 The failure was to end Mosley 's effective attempt to change the policies of British government from within the parliamentary party spectrum .
9 The salmon sheets Chair , we have shown our estimates of what ideally we would like for the continuing introduction of the Children Act and its requirements , the Criminal Justice Act , and the Warner Reports , but we do recognize , and I think this Committee recognizes , the difficult financial position the County Council finds itself in , and therefore the intention is to meet those unavoidable requirements from within the base budget , and there are no bids in these papers for funding towards those .
10 And , despite untold pressure from within his own circle of friends and from rugby league officials , Ofahengaue has shown remarkable strength to resist the most tempting of offers .
11 Seamus Mallon , an SDLP MP , said if the report was true it was a direct challenge from within the police to the authority of the Chief Constable and the Government .
12 With trade diversion , the initially preferred tariff-laden imports from third countries are replaced by tariff-free imports from within the CU .
13 Margaret Maden ( 1989 ) has suggested that ‘ professional discovery from within a self-critical staff collegium ’ is more likely to raise standards and expectations than are comparisons against nationally determined criteria .
14 Tethlis of Caledor in particular established a brilliant reputation , lifting the siege of Griffon Gate and harrying the Dark Elves to within sight of Anlec .
15 Here a narrow gully gave a long , powdery glissade almost to the shores of the frozen lock , which gave an easy highway to within five minutes of our night 's accommodation .
16 Is there a replacement service for equipment , or can one hire similar equipment from within one 's area ?
17 In November 1975 , Dr. Ian Paisley , MP , published classified figures from within the Northern Ireland Housing Executive for part of the work at Maynard .
18 Instead of a centrally funded service , Mr Lang said , health boards will have to decide whether to provide IVF and other hi-tech treatments from within their existing budgets .
19 So , first and foremost , it 's the mechanism which selects the appropriate procedures from within the C E G , E , C E D G documentation to help you er run a project in a managed way .
20 Excluding the cold tundra , deserts range from 50 degrees North in Central Asia to within a few degrees of the equator in South America , with the result that temperature conditions vary considerably .
21 There was dark cloud to within a couple of yards of the southern horizon , below which a perfect golden background , and there was silhouetted every hill from Clent to the Sugar Loaf by Abergavenny and the Black Mountains .
22 Virtually all the Japanese martial arts use it as a means of producing extra power from within the body — just as weightlifters make great grunting and groaning noises when attempting a particularly heavy lift .
23 Although the proposal reportedly received widespread support from within the West German political parties , the official NATO reaction to the idea , contained in a statement of Jan. 8 , was to reject suggestions for the " creation of special zones ' as distinct from an overall CFE treaty .
24 One of the big changes that they propose is that should be put on an exact par with within .
25 The decision , following on from pardons granted in October 1989 [ see pp. 36972-73 ] , drew widespread criticism from within the ruling Peronist Party ( Partido Justicialista ) and from opposition politicians , members of the Catholic church hierarchy and human rights groups .
26 1 There is the threat of rank-and-file revolts from within those groups that are tied in closely to the state .
27 A leaked document from within the military stated that " anti-subversive " operations should be of a " highly aggressive and offensive character " and that " the best subversive is a dead subversive ; therefore no prisoners need be taken " .
28 Their hand-held satellite navigation systems told them their exact position to within 15 metres .
29 If the sampling frame contains information on important qualitative attributes such as sex , social class , etc. , that split the population into subpopulations or strata , then we can enhance representativeness by constructing the overall sample from the amalgamation of simple random samples from within every stratum , e.g. within each sex stratum or within each sex-by-class combination .
30 The board was reconstituted with a majority of key employers from within the industry , its operations and financial systems have been restructured and a strategic plan has been produced which sets out clear objectives against which the success of the board 's actions can be judged .
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