Example sentences of "[art] high [noun sg] in " in BNC.

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1 She had one brother , John , who went on to become the High Commissioner in Cyprus .
2 An application for a judicial review of an inquest on three fishermen drowned when their vessel foundered in the Irish Sea in September 1988 will be lodged in the High Court in London today .
3 Stephen Sedley was continuing his opening speech on the second day of a damages action against British Nuclear Fuels at the High Court in London .
4 Teresa Gorman , Conservative MP for Billericay , accepted undisclosed libel damages at the High Court in London against the satirical magazine Private Eye .
5 This undertaking was given to the High Court in London but in March last year Vice Chancellor Sir Nicolas Browne-Wilkinson found Raper and the man described as his ‘ sidekick ’ , Douglas Allen , guilty of the ‘ most deliberate and serious ’ contempts .
6 The High Court in Dublin adjourned until today an application by the Society for the Protection of the Unborn Child for a permanent ban on Irish student union leaders distributing information on abortion facilities in Britain and a related contempt hearing .
7 Four members of the Ulster Defence Regiment arrested and charged with arms offences were granted unrestricted bail by the High Court in Belfast yesterday .
8 They said the failure to give full reasons for the intended slaughter and the absence of any factual basis for the action justified the High Court in blocking the order .
9 The case before the High Court in Edinburgh involves a violent assault on the 25-year-old woman in her home last June while her husband was at work .
10 Mrs Margaret Ashton , aged 30 , who woke during a caesarean operation in 1980 at Billinge hospital , near Wigan , was awarded £21,000 agreed damages at the High Court in Manchester .
11 American art scholar Professor Frederick Hartt won £7,500 libel damages at the High Court in London over two articles in the Independent on his attribution of a statuette to Michelangelo .
12 Judgment was reserved at the High Court in London yesterday on a claim by Mr Christopher Merlin , aged 48 , and his wife , Christine , of Broughton-in-Furness , Cumbria , that their former home was contaminated with plutonimum dust from the Sellafield plant .
13 Judgment was reserved at the High Court in London yesterday on a claim by Mr Christopher Merlin , aged 48 , and his wife , Christine , of Broughton-in-Furness , Cumbria , who claim their former home was contaminated with plutonimum dust from the Sellafield plant .
14 At a private hearing at the High Court in London next month , Mr Justice Ognall is expected to extend the original February 2 deadline for joining in the legal action for children under 16 .
15 Lorrain Osman , Britain 's longest-serving unconvicted prisoner , failed at the High Court in London yesterday to have 30 bags of documents returned to him .
16 Three organisers of an Acid House party who were jailed for three months for breaching an injunction banning an event in Warwickshire were freed in the High Court in London yesterday after apologising .
17 James Beveridge , 36 , unemployed , of no settled address , was jailed for two years at the High Court in Edinburgh yesterday after admitting making a hoax bomb call to Gatwick airport .
18 Lawyers for her husband contested her action in the High Court in London on Wednesday and she was given seven days to hand them back .
19 Miss Paula McCloskey , 26 , also injured her other leg when she became entangled in a mincing machine at the M U P factory in Richill , Co Armagh , in June , 1990 , the High Court in Belfast was told yesterday .
20 IN FEBRUARY the High Court in London heard how a Sussex-based antiques dealer knocked on the door of an elderly spinster 's Knightsbridge flat and talked her into parting with an art collection worth more than £30,000 .
21 The family of a woman crushed by a lorry on a pedestrian crossing was awarded £108,749 damages at the High Court in London yesterday .
22 THE NATIONAL Trust is being taken to the High Court in a test case that could halt all Sunday trading at its souvenir and garden centres .
23 Later an affadavit was presented to the High Court in London supporting an application by the foundation for injunctions freezing all Aberdour 's assets to be extended to any overseas holdings .
24 But Cherwell council successfully appealed to the High Court in November .
25 American investment bank JP Morgan is advising accountant Price Waterhouse , appointed administrator by the High Court in London .
26 Jean Campbell , alias Bruce , which came before the High Court in Glasgow on 17th July 1817 is of considerable interest for two reasons .
27 It had at least seven governing bodies and watchdogs set over it : the Danzig Volkstag , the Danzig Senate , the Polish Commissioner General , the German Commissioner General , the Danzig Harbour Board , the League of Nations High Commissioner , the Council of the League of Nations at the High Court in the Hague and finally , the League itself sitting in Geneva .
28 At the High Court in Manchester yesterday the Ministry of Defence agreed to pay damages to Captain Green 's widow , Patricia and her two daughters .
29 This was decided by the Queen 's Bench Division of the High Court in R v Inspector of Taxes , ex parte Bass Holdings Ltd ; R v Inspector of Taxes , ex parte Bass Holdings Ltd ; and Richart v Bass Holdings Ltd [ 1992 ] STI 1064 .
30 So held Chancery Division of the High Court in Beecham Group plc v IRC [ 1992 ] STI 980 .
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