Example sentences of "[art] man [pers pn] [vb mod] " in BNC.

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1 A number of women have told me they voted for him because they felt sorry for him , because he was a trier , a bit of an underdog , because he was a hubby figure , the man they would most like to buy a pullover for , a man who knows where his slippers are .
2 The players will be keen to get their season on the East Region circuit off to a good start in the 36 hole Senate Charity Open which starts tomorrow , and the man they will all be out to beat is European Tour regular Paul Curry .
3 He is the man we would like . ’
4 I projected the child 's face into his own vanished future and attempted to see the man he would have become , the man I intend to find . ’
5 The man he would n't have a use for is now lending a hand . ’
6 He grimaced and raised his hands in self-defence , a little of his dark mood dropping away , giving her a glimpse of the man he could be if he were n't so concerned for his sister .
7 ‘ And I 'm the man you 'll have tonight , when we reach Thailand ! ’
8 ‘ He is not — well , he is perhaps not the man you would expect .
9 Louis Malle is not the man you would choose to overcome these difficulties .
10 The man you may rely
11 ‘ You know the man you ought to get for this sort of programme ? ’ he suggested .
12 Election Focus : Labour Boyo Tactics James Langton watches the remarkable transformation of Neil the Wild Man of the Valleys into Kinnock the Man You Can Trust , a figure of international standing who expects the key to Number 10
13 Now it was the turn of the international statesman , the Man You Can Trust , settling back in his leather swivel chair , the body language just right , hands folded and head tilted the better to address the serious issues .
14 Treat that right , and it will bless your life and ennoble it , and make you ten times , yes , a hundred times , the man you could ever be without it …
15 He would give me a hearty slap on the back , comment on my expanding girth — ’ Twice the man you used to be , Andreas , eh ? ’ — say that we must meet again ’ for a jar , old man , but just this moment I have to rush , ’ look at his watch , sigh apologetically and shoot off to his next meeting or liquid lunch or whatever .
16 It was Bunny , my old mate , me auld mucker , my pal , the man I would trust with … with … well , he 'd have to do .
17 ‘ And if you promise just one more thing — not to do anything to hurt the man I can never leave . ’
18 The batellis and the man I will describe ,
19 The man I will marry and the places I will live in and get to know .
20 To see the man I must put my faith in .
21 It 's always been on my mind — I suppose it always will — and I 've always said that if I got the opportunity to kill the man I 'd do it , and I would take the consequences .
22 This was the man she would follow if he merely smiled .
23 This was Silas Wilder — the man she 'd come to see ?
24 During the Archbishopric of San Carlo Borromeo , a man we shall meet several times on our walks around Milan , the Nail was processed around the city at the height of an outbreak of plague , with immediate results .
25 Rightly or wrongly , the Tories evidently see Birt as ‘ a man we can do business with ’ .
26 There 's also the soft side , the Bill Morrison who is reduced to tears by Harry Secombe — ‘ I 'd love to be as good as him ’ and the Bill Morrison who confesses in an unguarded moment that as an epitaph he 'd like the description that appeared in a recent Times leader about him : ‘ a man they can trust ’ .
27 This is a man they could n't put down — Arnold Schwarzenegger in ‘ The Terminator ’ … the guy in the white hat in ‘ Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid . ’
28 No , if they want to flush him out of hiding , there 's hardly a man they could use but Hotspur . ’
29 Bonnie Prince Charlie had a price of thirty thousand pounds on his head when he was being ferried hither and yon across many isles and sea-lochs of the Hebrides , and yet , and yet — the people of the west , such as Flora Macdonald and Malcolm Macleod of Raasay , risked their lives for a man they must have known in their hearts was a lost cause .
30 An example of this differential sentencing policy was reported in the Guardian 18 August , 1980 , which quoted a male judge , who told a female defendant , ‘ If you were a man I would send you to prison without hesitation ’ .
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