Example sentences of "[art] way that [verb] " in BNC.

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1 erm in quite the way that sending them a letter on headed notepaper is .
2 The way that takes the town ,
3 However you work in selecting a remedy find the way that suits you and gives you results as shown by a good response to its administration .
4 And indeed , as Daly sees women as having become ‘ mutants ’ or ‘ fembots ’ , so Millett sees them as not having been allowed to participate in fully ‘ human ’ activities ( which she characterises as those that are most remote from the biological contingencies of life ) , and Frye sees them as simply ‘ broken ’ and then ‘ remade ’ in the way that suits their masters .
5 An interesting contrast has been observed in the way that separate British riots were reported .
6 Not liking the way that made her sound , she was about to object .
7 It is also the case that delay in hearing cases can benefit applicants who wish to use judicial review as a delaying tactic : delay caused by waiting lists can not justify claims of vexatious litigating in the way that delay caused by the applicant can .
8 You 've been brought up in a television age and you 've been particularly been brought up in an age of card cartoons and soap operas and in all of those you would er expect to see good being oppressed that 's part of the plot in every cartoon there is a plot in every soap opera , that the good the good people actually end up in difficult situations and the way that results in the cartoons and in the soap operas is usually find revenge or punishment .
9 The enormity of ‘ one roof ’ had taken her by surprise , and it was perhaps the way that had stiffened her which made her now feel so free , so beyond obligation .
10 The way that had been made through the fallen rock was very narrow and uneven and to take John out he was laid on a board and pushed along as if on a sledge .
11 In strict legal terms , the letter of the 1976 law was being followed in 1978 , but the Act had not produced the results in dampening down press publicity in the way that had been hoped .
12 Marlborough 's campaigns have commanded the admiration of military analysts ; his successes showed that Britain could conduct a war on land , and made it clear that the balance of power would be maintained and Louis XIV would not be able to establish France as the dominant power in western Europe in the way that had seemed probable in the 1680s .
13 Several historians recently have suggested that it was certainly not in the way that had been intended .
14 He was behaving in a secretive , high-handed way — the way that had led to their disastrous partnership with Beador .
15 A significant difference in natural connected speech is the way that sounds belonging to one word can cause changes in sounds belonging to neighbouring words .
16 is that the way that treated people ? , calling it hooking the punters ?
17 The idea was just beginning to catch on in America and we knew that it was going to become the way that retailing companies were run .
18 There is only your way , the way that feels right for you .
19 This is probably the case since children do things the way that feels natural to them without worrying unduly how it is meant to be done .
20 His physical appearance implied a reservoir into which poured many fashionable currents of the late 1980s : of fitness , of black cool , of conspicuous consumption , of success through one 's own efforts , of sportsmen as street glamour figures who anticipated and forged tastes in the way that pop stars did in the Sixties .
21 These periods of low-voltage sleep were called " emergent stage I " because subjects were not as easily roused as from " ordinary " sleep onset Stage I sleep , and because , being continuous with deeper stages of sleep , these periods of light sleep were obviously not a transition between wakefulness and sleep , in the way that sleep onset Stage I seemed to be .
22 to look at er , a P R job about changing the way those resources are used so that they 're used in the way that 's been talked away , er , talked about tonight which is way that clearly many wo , many women want to see them being used .
23 I , I do n't like the way that 's done .
24 Now I I construe that , the way that 's constructed to mean that er when we 're say that the tide had turned against new settlements , as some districts were doing at the time this came out .
25 And the way that 's determined is er they have to declare the number of patients they have registered .
26 Well I think and probably the rest of the Labour group operate in a rather different way from the way that 's just been outlined .
27 These may be purely physical , in the way that smell and touch become more intense in darkness , or they may be more on the psychic level .
28 Yeah , it 's just pure coincidence , it 's just the way that trotting around , I think what we 're trying to do was to say , something wrong in exam book , plus , plus , which is not liked , but , I do n't think they are the alike .
29 You know , local authorities are n't expert in looking at company law , and the way that finances work .
30 So after that they staggered happily to Hamley 's in search of mechanical toys for themselves , and passed a record shop on the way that reminded Arthur of something .
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