Example sentences of "[art] way that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 ACET works with partners , family , friends and other voluntary and statutory organisations to ensure that people get all the care they need in the way that they need it .
2 The expectations of older people , their families , and people who work with them , may significantly affect the way that they cope with illness or disability .
3 ‘ The decision to deploy horses and the way that they were used was perfectly proper .
4 The way horses pass messages between themselves will be the way that they will try and impart a message to us .
5 Pupils themselves disliked the way that they had previously been divided from one another ; and although there had been considerable advances made in the early 1980s in running joint CSE/GCE courses and examinations , these were patchy and voluntary , and unlikely to have been acceptable to the more academic of those who had an interest in the outcome of the examinations , especially the universities .
6 Where business executives are concerned , employers tend to have considerable discretion in the way that they implement redundancies .
7 One of the big troubles was the way that they obstructed the pavements as most of their drinking would be done in the street , sat with backs against the pub wall .
8 Many , if not most , good teachers are suffering from fatigue and innovation stress ; almost all teachers in state schools are profoundly resentful at the way that they and their schools have been made the scapegoats for the ills of society .
9 It is fascinating to study the way that they bent the truth to promote a saleable product , yet even if the Trades Descriptions Act had been in force then , they would hardly ever have broken the law .
10 ‘ Future friends ’ , the first part , describes the history of computers and the way that they are currently developing .
11 As generations followed the pattern of the maze , the earth energies may have illumined their forms in just the way that they may have done with the cup-and-ring marks and the pilgrims ' tracks .
12 You can see that there 's no point in the Bible writers wasting ink explaining how to go out with someone who fancies you when ‘ going out ’ and ‘ fancying ’ were n't part of the way that they did things then !
13 It does n't necessarily mean that they 're unscrupulous in the way that they get their own way ; they just have very clear ideas and it 's impossible for them to see it any other way . ’
14 They should never have shifted their line-out men around the way that they did in the first 40 minutes .
15 We do not remember them for all the facts which they rammed into our heads , nor for praise or punishment , but for the way that they seemed to recognize our inner selves , and spoke to our essence .
16 There is an enormous range of substances that people can use in order to change the way that they feel , but the safest and most reliable ones , the drugs that have stood the test of time , have all been made illegal .
17 But the rationale for these facts is not well understood : why do these parameters affect motion-perception in the way that they do ?
18 Police at football matches are not seen as the immediate enemy in the way that they might be , say , in dealing with trespassers or others laying false claim to an essentially public area .
19 He had hoped that the project would foster greater continuity between children 's experience of learning in primary school , and their experience in the comprehensive : I want to get away from [ a didactic approach ] , to the pupils taking more responsibility for work they produce and being more autonomous in the way that they do it and hoping to create more responsibility in them rather than them seeking the teacher all the time for information ; and thinking that all knowledge and information and values have to be teacher judged …
20 ah , in the way that they
21 in the way that they 're saying it
22 in the way that they 're saying it
23 See how it feels , the way that they live there .
24 That 's in the open ocean in enclosed basins , for example the Black Sea , many fjords and sea lochs , the deep waters are not renewed by water masses moving in from other areas in the way that they are in the open ocean and there anoxia can occur in the deep waters , that is the oxygen can be completely removed by biological activity particularly in degradation processes of organic matter , bacterial respiration so anoxic conditions can occur in isolated deep basins but low oxygen concentrations are actually very rare in the open ocean .
25 To the extent that black people are not assimilated into white society , the obstacle will be the way that they preserve a separate cultural identity .
26 For the saddest aspect of such places is the way that they accentuate adversity , setting their inhabitants at each other 's throats like rats in an overcrowded cage .
27 We can not assume that these interpretations will be made in the same way in all cultures and in all languages , so understanding how interpretation proceeds in the culture of the language we are teaching is crucial if we are to help foreign learners to make their words function in the way that they intend .
28 We can not assume that these interpretations will be made in the same way in all cultures and in all languages , so understanding how interpretation proceeds in the culture of the language we are teaching is crucial if we are to help foreign learners to make their words function in the way that they intend .
29 Children related to him so much because they saw in him an adult who behaved in the way that they did .
30 Word-list style is a careful style in his terms ( but as we have shown in a number of publications , Labov 's predictions about the stylistic continuum did not work in this divergent-dialect community in the way that they had worked in New York City ) .
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