Example sentences of "[art] more [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 While she and Susan and Gay kept in the background , he hovered near the gate , ready to answer any questions put by the more curious of the passers-by , and the sight of his familiar figure reassured the villagers , and they began to think that there might n't be a catch in it , after all !
2 Even from the more recent past a younger Pete Dossett or Jason Lunn would have been seen working out on the Farnborough ramp .
3 The IRA says the more recent of the documents is dated 26 January 1984 .
4 Half of the essays were reprinted , with slight alterations , from For Lancelot Andrewes , while the more recent of them , " Religion and Literature " , " Catholicism and International Order " and " Modern Education and the Classics " , continue the theme which he had inaugurated in After Strange Gods ; he assaults the dominant position of secularism in contemporary culture , and anticipates in lugubrious fashion the barbarism which will descend .
5 In a flat voice , the more insulting by its indifference , he said : ‘ You do n't have to bother about me .
6 A kiss on the head and she was off , leaving him the more deprived for his brief spell in the full sunny glow of her attention .
7 They recruited their soldiers from the more adventurous or the more unruly on their route .
8 The Australian desert , for example , is structurally an ancient worn-down plateau of crystalline and ancient sedimentary rocks , the more resistant of which rise to a thousand metres or more ( a few thousand feet ) above the general surface level .
9 The more thoughtful among them point out that although many parts of the service may be over the heads of the kids , it is nevertheless directed at all worshippers and no part of the service ought to be segregated from another .
10 Within a sequence it is customary to move from the more factual to the more attitudinal questions , but whatever scheme appears natural and logical ( to the respondent ) should be used .
11 It was always intended that the more usual of the two would be what Volvo term ‘ straight-line assembly ’ , where work in one team area is divided among four or five stations , placed one after the other in the direction of production flow .
12 Garfield , of all the institutions in which she had ever worked , was most responsive to mood , to atmosphere ; it shifted and changed from day to day , from week to week , for it had , like the larger society of her larger imagining , its own corporate , its own embodied spirit , all the more powerful for its caging , its high barbed wire , its high walls .
13 He dropped the gun from his shoulder again , and bent over as the laughter wracked him , all the more powerful for being silent , for being trapped inside .
14 For some time after the battle of Nechtansmere the Picts had remained the more powerful of the two .
15 In the event , the law and order lobby proved the more powerful of the two approaches .
16 The result was a stunning , white lace dress — an impressive feat made all the more amazing by the fact that Sherine was only eight years old !
17 Education is a long-term investment — and all the more crucial for being so .
18 In the event the experiment was perhaps one of the more useful of the pioneering experiments with controlled thermonuclear research .
19 Thus although it is true that " teachers articulate purpose " , this articulation and its achievement will often be the more effective for professional cooperation .
20 Paradoxically , the more moderate of them are insisting on the maintenance of their block votes because the party is still not fully democratic .
21 I expect to double the yield of Tobacco this harvest , but I am sensible that you desire us to put more land under the cane , this sugar trade being the more profitable at home and the Negroes most apt to its cultivation .
22 There , a combination of poor housing and education , high crime rates , much of it drug-related , large-scale immigration and associated racial tensions , an exodus of jobs and the more well-off to the suburbs , high youth unemployment and welfare dependency and the break-up of traditional family structures have served to create what some commentators in the United States have described as an ‘ urban underclass ’ .
23 ‘ The misery of unemployment or of repossession is all the more stark for seeing it written in a face rather than on a page .
24 She knew , of course , had known from the cradle , that the Church as a worldly institution attempted too much and was , for just that reason , the more spectacular in its shortcomings ; was , in fact , absurd .
25 Visually , the black one is by far the more convincing of the two , even though close inspection reveals a badly rippled finish .
26 But the more profiles are concerned with qualities of character and extra-curricular activities , the more intrusive of privacy they seem ; and , perhaps more relevant to the present enquiry , the less they have to do with the actual school curriculum .
27 ’ WEU could establish a link between a Europe in the process of unification and an Atlantic Alliance in the process of transformation and thus provide the vehicle for a stronger Europe to contribute more to joint security WEU must be at one and the same time the means of allowing Europe to make its voice heard in a Euro-American dialogue ’ — it must never be forgotten that Europe must always have an input into that dialogue — ’ of which the Atlantic Alliance is the institutional framework and the instrument for making the most of the European contribution to the defence of the West This contribution of Europe is the more essential in that the American military presence on the continent of Europe , reduced since the war in the Gulf , will remain below what it was in the past Defence policy should continue to be made in the organisations which assure collective defence , NATO , and WEU .
28 Ron Paget 's Rover stood outside the Swan , the more plushy of the two pubs .
29 It is almost certain that both forms of the disease were present in late-fourteenth-century England , and it may well have been the pneumonic form , the more lethal of the two , which was responsible for the scale of the mortality in 1348–49 ( 53 , pp.172–3 ) .
30 Second , such support as there is , via the National Endowment for the Arts ( currently it is funded at $130m , which to the federal government is peanuts ) , is the more visible for being infinitesimal and therefore vulnerable .
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