Example sentences of "[art] one of his " in BNC.

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1 Raconteur and raisonneur , in his art as in his personal life , he is a concealed author who is evident enough in his hotly opinionated fiction : he is not given to expounding his own passionate opinions there , but can be recognised without difficulty in almost every aspect of every one of his novels , including the speech assigned to his often disputatious characters .
2 Barton worked a sixteen-hour day , which began with careful , detailed consideration of the trading figures and key ratios for every one of his forty-three major shops and the output of both factories , and continued , usually by helicopter , with a detailed aerial survey of a particular area as the quick way of identifying new sites , interspersed with unheralded descents on the manager of any shop he took a fancy to visit .
3 I 've read every one of his books , some of them two or three times .
4 The late Jack Kerouac , for instance , has every one of his works for sale , together with just about all the wild books written of his hard-driving life .
5 So I read every one of his books from cover to cover .
6 Every one of his books points to the same thing — unless we apply inhibition in our lives we will never be able to use intelligence in the way it was designed — to assist fulfilment .
7 Who offered every one of his subjects a $10,000 tax rebate ?
8 This he could recite without the book , a poem of Wilfred Owen 's which he had impressed into the minds of every one of his pupils in Battle Creek .
9 He was never happy until there had been a ‘ successful exploitation ’ of every one of his films .
10 Indeed it would have undermined every one of his examples .
11 A recipe for it or a description of this beguiling dish of peppers , onions , tomatoes and eggs appears in every one of his books , even down to the booklet commissioned from him by the Romary biscuit firm and which sold for sixpence .
12 Evidently it was one of Marcel Boulestin 's favourite sweetmeats ; a recipe for tomato jam or preserve appears in every one of his cookery books .
13 ‘ In the old days the agency head knew every one of his staff .
14 He seemed as tall as a mountain , and every one of his steps measured about ten metres .
15 Perhaps nothing would embarrass God more than if every one of His creatures took His Word literally and to heart .
16 Sir John can not be held responsible for the loyalty of every one of his servants , and Cosmas 's death , God rest him , is a mystery . ’
17 The strains of the last fortnight were catching up with him , and he looked every one of his sixty-four years .
18 And had not that song passed like a plague virus to every one of his fellow men in succeeding generations ?
19 When I was locked hidden away in Suleiman the Magnificent 's harem , I satisfied every one of his houris but , as I keep saying , that 's another story . ]
20 a and remind ourselves that this gift of God in th the Holy Spirit , the baptism of the spirit , it is not an optional extra , it 's not something for super saint , it 's not something for special people , or for certain types of people , it is a , not an optional extra , it is God 's purpose for every one of his children !
21 So it is not an optional extra , it 's God 's purpose , it 's God 's desire for you and for me , and for every one of his children !
22 ‘ Every Irish kid is reared on Field nocturnes , ’ he says , ‘ and would you believe , there 's a nun in Dundalk who claims to have uncovered the source of every one of his folk melodies . ’
23 Mr Yeltsin , 62 , returned to the Kremlin yesterday after a weekend spent contemplating his humiliation last week by the mainly conservative Congress of People 's Deputies , which rejected virtually every one of his proposals .
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