Example sentences of "[art] [num ord] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Nearly 12 hours later , he did sink it and then made a four at the 15th to keep in touch with Parry .
2 On the way to the line , an officer of the 33rd wrote to his parents with premonition , ‘ Is this farewell ? ’
3 The first , purely spatial method groups eruptions according to the shape of the volcanic vent and where this is situated relative to the volcanic edifice as a whole , while the second depends on the character of the eruption itself , and the nature of the deposits it produces .
4 The acceptance of the former dogma rather than the second depends on an acceptance of the unique salvation history expressed by God through his people Israel which has significance for the whole of mankind .
5 The first idea is of a metaphorical and anthropomorphic kind , and the second and third also call out for analysis , if only for the reason that there are other non-causal pairs of things such that the first explains the second and the second depends on the first .
6 The second gets into trouble on the boundaries — where neat divisions between ‘ folk ’ and ‘ popular ’ , and ‘ popular ’ and ‘ art ’ , are impossible to find — and also tends to use arbitrary criteria to define the complement of ‘ popular ’ .
7 Was n't one enough , or is the second intended for him ?
8 Earlier in 1973 , the matches against the New Zealanders had been rather an anti-climax to their tour , with the second spoiled by rain , but no one doubted that they were now a permanent addition to the summer .
9 Thus , the separation theorem holds that there are only two portfolios in equilibrium ; the first composed of n risky assets and the second composed of the risk-free asset .
10 the second swelled over the beach mats ,
11 The second was even less of a contest , as the 24-year-old German broke Edberg 's first three service games — the second to love on an Edberg double fault .
12 ‘ I was on my way down the stairs when the second came through the roof .
13 At the end of the war the last battle was fought here , Charles the second came with a scottish army and had the final battle with Oliver Cromwell .
14 The second came in the 1990 tax act .
15 The second came in the last minute of normal time and followed an impressive maul , in which Boro drove over the line but could n't get the ball down .
16 The second came from the head of Captain , Colin Calderwood .
17 The second came from an aerial attack …
18 Owen Pickard got the first and the second came from Howard Clark … the comeback came too late … 3-2 to Preston
19 The second came after a similar incident but this time the ball was cleverly switched to Meg Thompson who fired home .
20 The second occurs in those clauses which seek to circumscribe contact with those who were , for a given period , clients of the covenantee .
21 Usually , the first name to prefix indicates the weaving group and the second refers to the group whose design has been employed .
22 The second refers to the degree of formality in the physical arrangements and court room atmosphere ; the major obstacle here is seen as the adversarial system of examining and cross-examining witnesses ( JUSTICE , 1987 ) .
23 One relates to the absolute and relative locational properties of the spatial entities themselves ( the points , lines and polygons ) while the second refers to the attributes or properties of the spatial entities .
24 The two numbers should not be compared because the first refers to words which have the same word boundaries , and the second refers to words in the same region .
25 The first relates to providing for any children of the marriage and the second allows for a temporary income to be given to either partner who is likely to suffer immediate hardship — this support may last for up to three years .
26 The first set of changes in this period led to the Sexual Offences Amendment Act in 1976 ; the second led to Home Office guidelines on revised police procedures in 1983 ( and later 1986 ) .
27 He tried the first door , it opened into the kitchen ; the second led to the living-room .
28 A literal translation of the first is scarcely interpretable : to make warm throats of something ; the second translates into something a little easier to construe : t o give one 's tongue to the cat .
29 The first involved the extension of duty exemption on cement imports for three years , and the second arose from an order instructing the Bureau of Inland Revenue to refund to mining companies some 2,000 million pesos ( US$1=23.8713 pesos as at Aug. 10 , 1992 ) in taxes from which , Garrucho ruled , they were exempt .
30 This will mean a proposed increase of £460m in the first year , followed by £770m in the second rising to £1.95 billion within five years .
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