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1 Several thousand of the 226,000 people employed in the industry are also expected to clock up seven-figure incomes this year , making them targets of another Clinton tax proposal — a 10 per cent surcharge on earnings over $1 million a year .
2 Of the 426 chemicals cleared for use in farming , 166 are known to cause , or are suspected of links with cancer , birth defects , genetic mutations and allergies .
3 Congress ( I ) won a clear majority of the 79 seats contested on the territory 's 10 inhabited islands .
4 From 1946 to 1950 almost all suburbanization by addition ( 89% of the 2126 dwellings built ) took place through the construction of very high-quality estates of semis by the local authority .
5 His intention was to pick up the 18,000 troops assembled in the area behind Quiberon known as the Morbihan and transport them to Scotland , as the first stage of the great invasion plan .
6 Disappointment turned to disbelief among the 18,000 crowd packed into Edgbaston when they were told they would not get a refund .
7 Of the 97 men known to have seroconverted during 1989–91 28 ( 29% ) were aged under 25 .
8 However , a subsequent Pentagon report , released internally , disclosed that of the 312 soldiers listed as wounded , 72 were injured in parachute jumps .
9 Firstly , he assumes that the 120 players fielded by the other eight League One clubs on any given Saturday would be purely ‘ English-qualified ’ .
10 None of the 120 children aged under 6 who were tested were seropositive but the true prevalence could be as high as 2.5% ( the upper limit of the 95% confidence interval ) .
11 This was in response to reports that Collor 's main political advisers had been using federal funds to solicit the votes of the 168 deputies needed to fend off the impeachment initiative .
12 However , Grundy ( 1986 ) , using data from the OPCS Longitudinal Study which is based on a 1 per cent sample of the 1971 Census linked to records from the 1981 Census , reports a similar pattern .
13 Scientists from Lancaster Moor Hospital and Lancaster University , who discovered the link , are calling for more studies to be done to see if other childhood cancers have increased in the 4,000-5,000 children born between 1950 and 1990 to mothers in the target group .
14 The focus of the paper is the 147 cricketers known to have died from unnatural causes ( excluding suicide ) .
15 The 94,000 houses identified as failing to meet the nine-point BTS criteria compares with a higher estimate from the National Audit Office and an estimate of 101,557 by the Scottish Office .
16 Out of the 850 people employed in London and Hertford , 150 moved to Corby .
17 The Mini Master failed to appear at last year 's Oshkosh because one of the 582 engines failed at 6500 ft 30 minutes after take-off from San Marcos , Texas .
18 In theory , though not always in practice , the 1866 Act required a 100 per cent audit of all transactions .
19 The troubled programme has been bedevilled by the tardiness of some countries in implementing the 278 proposals required to remove all internal frontiers to business , and Mrs Thatcher found herself in the slightly unusual position of being praised by Mr Jacques Delors , the president of the European Commission , for being in the vanguard of the reform process .
20 Though there was no formal ( or at least published ) review of the planning system , the 1980 Act passed by the subsequent Conservative government certainly effected some major changes in it .
21 Chief among the proposals was a clause allowing for the removal of the heads of the armed forces , something forbidden under the 1980 Constitution approved by the military .
22 ‘ Why had the 1980 Constitution abolished the right to put up posters ? ’
23 Four correct replies were given by 70 ( 19% ) of the 372 patients instructed by general practitioners and 25 ( 50% ) of the 50 instructed in community family planning clinics .
24 Over 25% of the 109 projects approved by the Central Committee for implementation in 1992 involve training of some kind .
25 Joseph Beran ( right ) , former Archbishop of Prague , was one of the eight prisoners featured in the original Observer article .
26 THE LEADER of the eight miners trapped for 15 hours half a mile underground told yesterday of their joy at seeing the first rescuer .
27 Like much of France , vineyards were found scattered throughout the region but none of the eight farms visited grew any grapes .
28 The difference between male and female GP referrals was noticeable : five of the eight males referred ( 63 per cent ) were sectioned , compared with only 12 ( 38 per cent ) of female referrals .
29 It encourages individuals to make a personal pledge to change their lives in a way that minimises their impact on the environment — each of the eight pledges shown here will make a real difference .
30 This is a design that I call ‘ Bubbles ’ , which describes the overall look of the design , without exceeding the eight letters allowed for a name within the Creation 5 programme .
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