Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [vb -s] be " in BNC.

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1 Some of the Trent opens were massive .
2 It is quite possible , however , even if her influence within the EEC has been weak , that Britain has nevertheless gained great benefits from her membership .
3 On balance , I believe that Britain 's membership of the EEC has been of some benefit in terms of the home market which she has gained and will continue to gain as and when her partners honour their commitments to complete the Single Market ; however , as should be clear from the figures quoted in Chapter 5 , the assertion that EEC membership has been good for Britain is open to question .
4 Once an imposing villa , the Roma has been converted into a charming little hotel .
5 The RAF 's been lending a hand helping to lift a 9 foot curly mammoth trunk from the ground .
6 The RAF has been at Abingdon since 1932 .
7 After such endorsements from a man who , despite being a migrant from the Mid-West has been transformed instinctively into a prime example of Homo Pacificus , it would have been a foolish and almost unpatriotic American who professed otherwise .
8 The FRPB has been concerned about the water quality of the River Almond ( Class 3/4 ) for some time and in June 1988 a River Almond Model Study Group was set up to monitor the deteriorating river quality .
9 The Hercules has been there with the RAF and got on with the job .
10 If the machine does n't try to access the A : drive , i.e. the light stays off , either the BIOS has been instructed , in the set-up , not to seek the A : drive , or both floppy drive connectors are the wrong way round .
11 In Texas the Sussex has been crossed with the Brahman to create the Lambert Ranch 's Sabre .
12 The DOE has been interpreted as showing that expectancies can act as effective cues in the control of choice responding ( e.g. Peterson and Trapold 1980 ) .
13 In terms of ideology it is exactly what the FMLN has been fighting for these past seven years .
14 Also , my share of the Lothians has been in the care of my cousin the Bishop of Alba .
15 One of my magazines in the States has been following up rumours about the Josephs .
16 We notice that the SSA has been advertising inflatable sumo wrestling kits to hire .
17 But that 's not to say our life with the Caterham has been an uninterrupted joy .
18 The Caterham has been an expensive car to run , although not prohibitively so .
19 The SE would be a hybrid ( and to this extent some of the original purpose of the SE has been lost ) ; it would be incorporated in a particular Member State , whose domestic laws would govern certain aspects of its operations ( e.g. insolvency ) , but its registered office could be transferred to another Member State .
20 More recently there have been criticisms of the balance between these two areas and , on occasions , the GAO has been accused of neglecting its more traditional audit responsibilities in the area of financial compliance and regularity .
21 The SERPS has been severely downgraded ( including widows ' benefits ) and will become a progressively less effective vehicle for compensating women in particular for their disadvantages in the labour market .
22 The MO 's been by . ’
23 The Financial Times , for example ( 1986 ) , has suggested that ‘ there is little doubt that in commercial terms the LDDC has been a success ’ .
24 About four-fifths of housing constructed in the LDDC has been for the owner-occupied sector .
25 ‘ I am convinced that much of the success achieved by the Arsenal has been through the team quickly sensing a weakness in the opposition , ’ Chapman commented .
26 The flow of the Tigris has been regulated with locks and sluices and the river banks raised to prevent water reaching the marshes .
27 Although the TEC has been operating only since 1 April this year , Roy Knott and his team have shown that they are dedicated to the employment training future for Shropshire .
28 Last night North Yorkshire TEC issued a statement saying : ‘ Because of a reduction in the number of training places available for unemployed adults , the TEC has been forced to review its training provision throughout the county .
29 The NFC has been the outstanding example where for seven years the company was owned entirely by the workforce .
30 Critical acclaim for The Cranberries has been immediate , enthusiastic and forced upon us not just in Ireland but in Britain too , in quantities so large that entire rain forests quake at the knees at the merest mention of this band 's name .
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