Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [is] [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The Geordie who moved from Newcastle to Nottingham so he could regularly fish the Trent is rated by Frank Barlow as one of the country 's best float anglers — and accolades do n't come much higher than that !
2 Already the Pentagon is drawing up plans for long-term containment , including the construction of training and recreational facilities for thousands of troops .
3 The Pentagon is advising the president about troop reductions .
4 As far as R&D on defence is concerned , the Pentagon is keeping specific plans under its hat , though the administration 's budget makers emphasised new projects like the ‘ Peacekeeper ’ and Tomahawk and Trident II intercontinental ballistic missiles ; more money for the ‘ Stealth ’ bomber ; lasers and other satellite killers ; microelectronics ; and , of course , the MX missile .
5 Trouble is , even the Pentagon is having difficulty in extracting information from this Air Force base which is , I believe , somewhere in Georgia .
6 The Manor is sited in pleasantly wooden grounds and it is here that Alford truly comes to life on Spring and August Bank Holiday weekends .
7 The Wye is used for a whole range of activities including people who just want to walk the banks or go for picnics .
8 An indication of what would be Britain 's natural pattern of trade were she not in part restricted by her membership of the EEC is given by the fact that less than 20 per cent of her foreign investment currently goes to the countries of the EEC .
9 These include the Cairngorms , the Lake District , ( St. Kilda ) and the western seaboard of the Scottish Highlands where the EEC is thinking of funding a £200 million agricultural development programme .
10 But all this could soon change : a committee of vetinary experts within the EEC is pushing for the quarantine laws to be scrapped : vets in France and Germany in particular say that vaccination is a more effective way of preventing rabies .
11 An importer of a product from outside the EEC is treated as a producer .
12 The EEC is struggling to provide alternative video choices to programmes imported from the USA and other western countries .
13 If the EEC is to compete in post-GATT world markets , it is not the number of farmers which matters but rather the quality of their output .
14 They have believed that the whole purpose of the EEC is to build protective barriers which should only be reduced in return for a high price to be paid by ‘ the other side ’ .
15 Trade with the EEC is growing .
16 THE BBC 's Gaelic radio service in the Highlands is to have its own FM frequency from September , it was announced yesterday .
17 The IPCC is charged with producing a comprehensive review and recommendations on the state of knowledge of the science of climate and climatic change ; its likely social and economic impacts , and way of delaying or limiting such impacts .
18 The IPCC is preparing a range of projections on emissions of carbon dioxide and global warming over the next 100 years on the basis of estimates of worldwide economic growth , energy use and technological change .
19 RAF fear : The RAF is bracing itself for compulsory redundancies after the news that 2,200 jobs must go .
20 The Raf is investigating the application of expert systems to equipment monitoring of aero engines and vibration analysis of aero engines and helicopter rotors and transmissions .
21 The Ostrich is found in open savannah country over much of Africa .
22 Liaison with the Department of Transport : The TCP is continuing to maintain a dialogue with the Department of Transport at senior level and a meeting is currently being arranged between members of the committee and Patrick Brown and his Deputy Secretaries .
23 The Temple is located in the Gaean Vale , a long and beautiful valley , lined with wild apple trees and nourished by waterfalls and clear springs .
24 A man who throws in his job as a bank manager for life as a fisherman in the Orkneys is seen as individual-minded .
25 The MRP is funded by the Department of Trade and Industry to provide baseline geological , geochemical , geophysical and metallogenic information on potentially prospective areas in Great Britain .
26 The MRP is aimed principally at providing basic geological , geochemical , geophysical and metallogenic information on potentially prospective areas .
27 In its 16-valve guise , the Calibra is claimed to reach 140mph ; the less powerful 8-valve engine pushes it to 126mph .
28 Sarajevo Airport ; and the Hercules is unloaded at top speed .
29 And the Greenwich is offering mortgages of at least £30,000 at 13.45 per cent for the first year .
30 It ranges from the Dean 's having been arrested for murdering Paul Gray to the Bishop 's having hired Lord Cumbermound 's beagles to track down the corpse . ’
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