Example sentences of "[art] [noun prp] [verb] be " in BNC.

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1 The weather signs in the sky of the previous evening had foretold correctly but the Ben had been kind to me on my first ascent .
2 The contents of the Will list were similarly rearranged .
3 Statutory provisions embodying the CICS have been enacted , but at the time of writing they had not been brought into force .
4 This has become something of a cause célèbre in rock press folklore , but in truth the NME had been in worse scrapes before and no doubt has many more ahead .
5 Some of the Trent opens were massive .
6 Keiran served in the US Air Force , fought the Pentagon to prevent being posted to Vietnam and eventually ended up at Salford studying under the G.I. Bill of Rights , all paid for by Uncle Sam .
7 The Becks have been digging up and potting plants for months now .
8 The three Masses and the Gradualia have been championed a great deal in recent years , sometimes meshed with one another in the ‘ liturgical reconstruction ’ manner , although there are reasons for believing that Byrd did not have that in mind .
9 As an extremely well-equipped force , the SDK have been at the centre of political controversy in Japan because of the difficulty of assessing the basic needs of a force that is there purely to defend .
10 It might have served as a link between Britain and the Six , but it was not until after its first application to join the EEC had been rejected in 1963 that Britain began seriously to consider this as a possibility .
11 Economic progress within the EEC had been satisfactory .
12 Benelux in particular objected to the vigour with which de Gaulle and France were pushing the Fouchet Plan , and argued that fundamental decisions such as those raised by the plan should be deferred until at least the question of British membership of the EEC had been resolved .
13 It is quite possible , however , even if her influence within the EEC has been weak , that Britain has nevertheless gained great benefits from her membership .
14 On balance , I believe that Britain 's membership of the EEC has been of some benefit in terms of the home market which she has gained and will continue to gain as and when her partners honour their commitments to complete the Single Market ; however , as should be clear from the figures quoted in Chapter 5 , the assertion that EEC membership has been good for Britain is open to question .
15 The three potential entrants to the EEC have been characterised by the European Commission as having economies at a stage of development midway between the developing and the industrialised countries .
16 Britain 's exports to the EEC have been expensive and her imports cheap .
17 From at least the middle of the seventh century the Macedonians had been ruled by kings , whose relationship to their subjects was basically feudal , resting on loyalty and consent : they ruled ‘ by law and not by force ’ , as Arrian says ( Anab .
18 Towards the close of the century , large tracts of the Highlands had been surveyed but little or no attention had been paid to the islands .
19 Sixty years later , there was an understanding of every formation in Scotland ; much of the Highlands had been surveyed in detail unmatched in any other comparable area of crystalline rock , and a host of new geological phenomena discovered .
20 Once an imposing villa , the Roma has been converted into a charming little hotel .
21 The IPCC had been set up under United Nations auspices following the November 1988 world climate conference [ see p. 36784 ] and was due to meet again in August 1990 in Stockholm .
22 On Oct. 10 the opposition Bharatiya Janata Party ( BJP ) claimed that the RAF had been deployed without prior consultation with state governments and that this constituted an infringement of the rights of state governments to administer law and order .
23 The RAF 's been lending a hand helping to lift a 9 foot curly mammoth trunk from the ground .
24 The RAF has been at Abingdon since 1932 .
25 After such endorsements from a man who , despite being a migrant from the Mid-West has been transformed instinctively into a prime example of Homo Pacificus , it would have been a foolish and almost unpatriotic American who professed otherwise .
26 Then , his restoration had been intended as a counterbalance to Warwick 's influence in the north , but in 1471 the Nevilles had been replaced by Gloucester .
27 Then , his restoration had been intended as a counterbalance to Warwick 's influence in the north , but in 1471 the Nevilles had been replaced by Gloucester .
28 The Caucasus had been steadily pacified and nominal Russian authority made effective .
29 If the Caucasus had been easier to control or the Khan of Khiva less suspicious , the western shore of the Caspian might have become the embarkation point for central Asia .
30 And Kaas had soon learnt that part of his duties in the criminal division of the Stasi had been to supply the hierarchy with whatever was needed by way of eroticism and perversion .
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