Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] that follow " in BNC.

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1 When they 've got over the shock , most are mainly concerned for their daughters ' welfare , and give them a lot of support , as illustrated many times in the accounts that follow .
2 Invariably , the discussions that follow the analysis confirm the preliminary findings .
3 When the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament emerged from the discussions that followed Priestley 's article , it was chaired by a Canon of St Paul 's , the gaunt non-conformist cleric John Collins , and presided over by the foremost sceptic and humanist of the day , Bertrand Russell .
4 In the conflicts that followed , Offwood and his party tried and failed to get Thomas Hooker and later John Davenport [ qq.v. ] named co-pastor of the church .
5 The times that followed , they were almost as bad … and as he grew older , he became aware of the deep wounds his mother had suffered .
6 In the cases that followed ( ie the disposal of the whole of the matrimonial home to the wife ( Chapter 3 ) ; a conveyance of the husband 's interest in the matrimonial home to the wife ( Chapter 4 ) ; and the conveyance of the husband 's interest in the matrimonial home to a third party ( Chapter 5 ) ) , once the husband had disposed of his interest no further tax considerations applied so far as the husband was concerned ( unless there was an element of gift involved in the conveyance not at arm 's length and the husband died within seven years , thus bringing in a charge to inheritance tax ) .
7 In the hours that follow , these glycoproteins dendritic spines , and the synaptic contact areas in both left IMHV and left and right LPO .
8 The stories of what it was like there in the hours that followed , and of the lingering deaths of 31 of the most exposed people , make the hair stand up on the back of your neck .
9 In the hours that followed the announcement of the attack , they seemed convinced that Hitler had triumphed in the east without provoking war in the west .
10 The hours that followed were full of the lust of one woman for another 's body .
11 The strategy worked in both cases , and the producers were able to turn their initial successes into the resilience required to survive the setbacks that followed .
12 Now it does occur to me to wonder and I , again a personal view , to wonder whether intended that section fifty four A should be counteracted by the terms of the policies that followed it .
13 The operations that follow destroy her beauty .
14 Entities will take part in events and in the operations that follow events .
15 We have to check that the relation supports all the operations that follow the event mentioned .
16 However , this thin stream that stems from earlier generations becomes a broad river in the generations that follow Locke .
17 How would he act if he knew that his career was to be made into fiction , to serve as an object lesson , and a name of opprobrium , to the generations that followed him ?
18 In the Dance for the Haymakers that follows the comic Dialogue between Coridon and Mopsa , only the outer parts have been copied — but all the way through this movement the copyist has provided staves , complete with clefs and key- and time-signatures , for the second violin and viola parts without which it manifestly does not present a complete texture .
19 The instruments provided and their agreed use in the case study are summarised in the paragraphs that follow .
20 In the paragraphs that follow the references to party manifestoes are not intended to do more than to highlight some of the more obvious differences in emphasis .
21 The disputes that followed were to drive a wedge between Law and Docherty which persist with increasing bile and acrimony to the present day .
22 With stable macro policies of either a monetary or a fiscal kind , rational expectations on behalf of economic agents mean that such agents fully appreciate the signals that trigger government policy and the prescriptions that follow , internalizing this into their behaviour .
23 Like all the books that followed , Ragged Dick told the story of a young man who , by pluck and luck , rises from his lowly station to earn a respectable job and the promise of a better life .
24 The books that follow this pattern are at first sight attractive , ideal for ‘ face-on ’ displays , and can even seem to have some serious purpose .
25 The months that followed were , of course , some of the most emotional , turbulent , violent and traumatic in recent American history .
26 They seem , in the months that followed , to have lived with a new intensity , half-knowing that their shared joy in creativity and friendship might never be repeated .
27 In the months that followed the Allies stripped Germany of all its overseas possessions and colonies , 13 per cent of its territory in Europe , 10 per cent of its population , 75 per cent of its iron-ore deposits , 45 per cent of its coal fields , 10 per cent of its industrial capacity , 44 per cent of its pig-iron facilities , 38 per cent of its steel facilities , 72 per cent of its zinc sources , and 12 per cent of its farmlands .
28 He was sufficiently influenced by the Lewisham events to seek a ban on similar marches in the months that followed .
29 During the months that followed , John 's life was miserable .
30 During the months that followed , as Mussolini bombed and gassed the Abyssinians into subjection , no serious attempts were made by the British Government to implement effective sanctions .
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