Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] that make " in BNC.

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1 Recently refurbished and extended , it provides a meeting room , a smaller games room with snooker table , and a kitchen , and is well used for all the activities that make up village life .
2 The transformations that made the 740 into the 940 — a more rounded rump with a bigger boot , a more modern , 960-like facia , bigger brakes and more front headroom — are all worthwhile , and the 940 SE Turbo is solid , well built , generously equipped and decently rapid .
3 The , the back of the calendar card , the notes that make on the back of the calendar card , will be in sequential order , presumably .
4 Expectancy theories are concerned with the relationships among the inputs that make up motivation .
5 More accurately it is the control of the ‘ luxury ’ molecules — the molecules that make cells different from one another , rather than the control of the ‘ housekeeping ’ proteins — which is the key .
6 Made them in Leicester , Nottingham , Scotland and then the products that made from them were made in this country , Nottingham , Leicester and Scotland .
7 You said , do you actually eat the products that made you allergic Paul ?
8 The reasons that make Weber or Durkheim or Marx discussable within sociology also apply to Freud 's work , or a large part of it .
9 's Thus the women who stayed at work sometimes acquired the skills that made them " fully " trained in the trade .
10 The second fact is that Labour , despite the recession and its junking of almost all the policies that made it unelectable in the '80s , has not made a significant advance .
11 Hampden Babylon is a sado-masochistic history of Scottish football and it is dedicated to the imperfections that makes the game great .
12 The states that make up the contemporary Middle East are like beads on the ‘ masbaha ’ , or worry beads , so common in the region .
13 VINNY Jones last night sensationally revealed the secrets that make him soccer 's hardest man .
14 Finally , he shouted to all dealers : " Ring all the clients that made money by coming into Helene of London on your advice .
15 In Warmia and Mazuria , two of the districts that made up East Prussia , the Poles suffered serious reverses , gaining only 3 of the 28 disputed villages .
16 He despises the human race and the combinations that make it tick ; the human race in its present state , he 'd qualify — he 'd like to send us all back to nursery school — so he has to behave as unlike his fellow beings as he can . ’
17 The need in the case of the Oedipus myth to resolve the contradiction between two pieces of knowledge that are in conflict can be comfortably taken as the signified that lies behind the significations that make up the various versions of the myth .
18 He put little slips of paper in the entries that made up his fragile narrative or non-narrative .
19 That was if I ever got to the bottom of the steps that make up one of the island 's most spectacular walks .
20 The boy shook one of the branches that made the framework of the hide .
21 In performance mode , each program is treated as a complete effect unit and can be controlled by editing the parameters that make up the program .
22 ‘ These are the songs I grew up listening to , ’ she says , ‘ they are the songs that made me want to be a singer . ’
23 Biochemists are therefore interested in the compounds that make up cells and organisms , and how they are formed and can interact .
24 Yet all that feeling , all that energy , discharged itself into the void so long as it did not flow down one of the channels that made the great wheels turn — in Edinburgh , in London and Paris .
25 Let us by all means have a national core curriculum ; and let children be tested in the subjects that make up that curriculum .
26 Reynolds it was who strung together the rackets that made those blistering returns .
27 The Teacher 's Books explain clearly how to teach each lesson , and how to get the best out of each of the books that make up the course .
28 After that she stood in a hazy dream , listening to the words that made them husband and wife .
29 In the screen of language the words that make him up are no more than some amongst many , a detail in the pattern , as a grotesque might be in early painting , or the straight man in a comic duo .
30 These are some of the images that make the myth .
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