Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] and [verb] " in BNC.

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1 The extent to which they report the activities and reflect the views of other parties and political opponents varies .
2 They had defined the activities and work committees , carried out a financial review and reorganisation of staff at Radford Park and the recreation ground .
3 Townsend measures deprivation in terms of the inability or incapacity to participate in ‘ the activities and have the living conditions and amenities which are customary , or at least widely encouraged or approved ’ because of a lack of ‘ resources ’ ( 1979 , p. 31 ) .
4 Students , in addition to monitoring progress in their chose pursuit(s) , will be expected to identify the skills they have used in planning , undertaking and reviewing the activities and to recognise the transferability of these skills .
5 ‘ We 've discussed the idea of continental championships in each of the disciplines and bringing the best skiers together for a Masters final late in the season .
6 This material is largely undated , although it is clear that occupation along Ermine Street pre-dated the defences and continued with little or no change well into the fourth century .
7 Roll out the bread lightly with a rolling pin after cutting off the crusts and spread thickly with the cheese filling .
8 It is a body that simultaneously defines the continents and divides them from each other ; at the same time it knits together some of their distant and improbably linked civilizations , as well as their anthropologies and histories .
9 It was in cities such as Rome , Venice , Florence and Verona that the Renaissance started — the re-awakening of the arts , new directions in painting and architecture — movements which were to span the continents and leave a legacy of culture unequalled anywhere in the world .
10 OUR January issue cover story was the first comprehensive airing of the pros and cons regarding South Africa 's suitability as the next venue .
11 Employees offered a transfer which involves relocation overseas will consider the pros and cons very carefully , as accepting such a transfer is a major step to take .
12 You may prefer the flexibility over hours this offers , but you should weigh the pros and cons regarding working for an NHS employer and sickness pay , holiday pay , pension , study leave and so on .
13 The two machines most affected by this issue are the PC and Macintosh so it seems appropriate to examine the pros and cons in some detail .
14 On receiving the indicative offers we will discuss the pros and cons with the directors and will help evaluate alternative deal structures .
15 While not wishing to examine the pros and cons in detail , enough is presented to establish that the much vaunted ‘ facts ’ of any situation are seldom that .
16 Feeling oddly remote , detached , Luce walked through the various rooms as though on automatic pilot , weighing up the pros and cons : accessibility , what space was needed , how the lighting could be arranged , the desirability of an exit at either end …
17 Someone claiming to be in the know told us the other day that the reason DEC president Robert Palmer never showed up at that mammoth Unix strategy briefing session the company put the press and analyst corp through back in February was that he saw the rehearsals and did n't want to be associated with it .
18 I mean the exams and getting nicked and stuff …
19 Henry O'Bree was depressed about the exams and left behind a suicide note .
20 Analysts believe Japanese companies are likely to be among the frontrunners and estimate the deal could raise between £50m and £100m .
21 It is expected some of the Manual will be suitable to be offered to the Contracts and Purchasing Working Group charged with producing their own procedures document for BS5750 .
22 She had worked hard to achieve qualification in the contracts and purchasing side of engineering , but , in her present job , she was using less than a quarter of her skills .
23 Suitably deglamorised , even to the extent of hiding her shapeliness beneath loose-fitting garments , she made her way to G Vasey Ltd , where she spent a morning being shown to her office , and being introduced around the contracts and purchasing department .
24 Believe me it is the sense of double standards , and this alone , which infuriates the Pakistanis and brings out the bad feelings .
25 Meanwhile the Goths drove the Britons from Bourges , but the comes ( count or more precisely companion ) Paul , who led a force of Romans and Franks , attacked the Goths and took their booty .
26 He retook areas of land from the Goths and raised the empire to its greatest extent and power from Africa to Italy .
27 The duty of the court is to enforce the Acts and in so doing to observe one principle which is inherent in the Acts and has been long recognised , the principle that parties can not contract out of the Acts …
28 Women were empowered to speak about sex , challenging the authority of the experts and drawing attention to their gendered power relations .
29 Ring round the experts and take some advice today .
30 Even when the study appeared , there was a great deal of scepticism within NoS , but the attitude was that they had consulted the experts and got the evidence .
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