Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] that they " in BNC.

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1 Young children imitate and ‘ play ’ the activities that they see adults enjoying .
2 It is generally accepted that control systems have to be organized in parallel to the activities that they are intended to monitor .
3 Erm it it varied really w we saw our role in general as being to support and and facilitate the activities that they wanted to get involved
4 To be able to continue the activities that they have traditionally undertaken , er , with substantial er , grant and financial support from the County Council .
5 To check the statements ‘ comparison with the etching turn out to be optimistic ’ ( Schatborn ) and ‘ there is not a line that resembles Rembrandt 's other drawings of the period ’ ( Royalton-Kisch ) , readers have only to compare the treatment of the back in the drawing with the etching to see that the explanation offered by the experts that they are the product of two separate artists working independently in , ‘ a joint session of study from the model ’ is far fetched .
6 Further , it is only in the Fellowships that they will get sufficient identification with other sufferers to be able to see that there is hope for recovery when they do finally admit defeat .
7 His view that the accountants in the earlier case owed a duty of care was based on the fact that they had actual knowledge of the plaintiff 's intended and actual reliance on the accounts that they were to prepare .
8 It has never been doubted that if directors discover that the accounts that they have presented are defective they can , and should , correct them .
9 There should be some recognition of the fact that the programmes that the Government have set up in the network of jobcentres , including restart , job clubs , job interview guarantees and all the programmes that they deliver through jobcentres or training and enterprise councils , help to alleviate the misery that comes with loss of employment .
10 But the patterns that they bear in their sequences are as durable as the hardest rocks .
11 CTCs offer education opportunities to children of all abilities — particularly those drawn from the most deprived parts of the cities that they serve .
12 As the colleges sought to establish degree courses other than in teacher education it was naturally towards the humanities that they mainly turned , and attempts to use their existing strengths in those areas , together with opportunities for combined and modularized courses , resulted in often extremely complex proposals .
13 Debtors who showed the courts that they had made their best efforts to pay , and also showed they were not fraudulent or reckless in incurring debt could be given relief from liabilities after three years .
14 It characterises the Germans that they never cease to ask the question , ‘ What is German ? ’
15 On 28 December , partisans made repeated attacks on German transport on the Via Emilia , their main line of communication with the battle front , which led to a threat by the Germans that they would burn the villages along the length of the road .
16 This shows the remarkable similarity that has evolved in the gape patterns of the chicks of two species of whydah birds and the chicks of the birds that they parasitise .
17 Do these words mean that judges can be dismissed by the Crown only upon an Address of both Houses ( with a direction to the Houses that they are not to present an Address unless the judge has misbehaved himself ) ?
18 He says he 's now trying to undo all the plans that they 've made .
19 This process not only gives identification and hope for the newcomer , it also reminds the old-timers that they forget at their peril how life used to be .
20 On receiving an assurance from the guardians that they would lose no time in putting up a nurses ' home , the Minister would be prepared to recommend the Nursing Council to give its approval .
21 This suggests a very high degree of similarity in the mental structure that is brought to bear on the input by language learners and in the strategies that they employ in constructing and progressively modifying their internal grammar .
22 Whereas the proposals that they 're making is only those rights which may be lost because of misappropriation of assets er would be compensated by the compensation fund .
23 to what they watched , the times that they were in
24 As a result , it is often difficult to be sure that breeding males fertilize all the females in the groups that they guard : for example , even if territorial male red-winged blackbirds ( Agelaius phoeniceus ) are vasectomized , their females sometimes lay fertile eggs ( Bray , Kennelly & Guarino , 1975 ) .
25 Throughout the EEC it is the rule for patients with sexually transmitted diseases to attend a private doctor for their diagnosis and treatment , and these private practitioners do not report the cases that they have seen .
26 Since the latter two specialists do not receive any special training in the sexually transmitted diseases , and neither will notify the cases that they see even if they manage to diagnose them , it is not surprising that chaos ensues .
27 If you would like details of your nearest local group so as to be able to help them in activities such as this or to write letters on the cases that they are campaigning on behalf please contact :
28 The agenda of the sessions were the cases that they were asked to write ahead of time .
29 The strains are emotional as much as physical , as the carer tries to keep everyone happy as well as trying to make sure , as far as possible , that no harm befalls the elderly mothers during the hours that they spend on their own .
30 Regional task forces estimate , however , that the gap between the hours stipulated in most juniors ' contracts and the hours that they will actually work is about five to 10 hours a week .
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