Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [that] [vb -s] " in BNC.

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1 That 's one of the Acts that works against children in need .
2 ‘ If we were to go for full indexation , ’ said Jacek Kuron , the Labour Minister , ‘ there would be a mountain of money on the market leading to enormous price increases , with all the dangers that implies , especially for the poor . ’
3 The times that has come out of your mouths .
4 Summerchild is usually one of the cases that gets cited .
5 One of the snags that confronts small businesses in particular is that of cash flow .
6 Hampden Babylon is a sado-masochistic history of Scottish football and it is dedicated to the imperfections that makes the game great .
7 ‘ He 's one of the blokes that stops me viring ? ’
8 In the Dance for the Haymakers that follows the comic Dialogue between Coridon and Mopsa , only the outer parts have been copied — but all the way through this movement the copyist has provided staves , complete with clefs and key- and time-signatures , for the second violin and viola parts without which it manifestly does not present a complete texture .
9 I , I , I think Chairman that on the , the case to which you refer as , as I recollect it was very much on the specific wording of the er restriction which erm was found to fail , because it applied to a number of houses and not to a specific property and er clearly care will have to be given by the districts that happens in imposing conditions to make sure that it will erm appertain to each individual property within a development so that the occupancy condition can be can be informed .
10 Tom O'Neill was in the outer office looking at one of the pictures that lines the walls — Rena , Hugo 's favourite house model , wearing a loose cut trench coat over a tailored shirt and doe-skin pants .
11 In both cases it is the position of the lips that conveys much of the vital information .
12 And the influences that does n't dictate and a functional group does .
13 Or else you can try one of the , one of the solutions that has already been suggested by the officers .
14 You get one of the lads that works with me , if he catches three of them he says well I 'll have them for my dinner .
15 One major subject area within the polytechnics that has developed considerably in recent years is that of teacher education .
16 Oh it would be really nice you know , especially for the supporters that 's been behind us all season , so hopefully we can do it for them .
17 It might be a nice rose bowl , it might be a weekend in the Lakes that 's paid for you , or whatever , it 's good stuff , be part of it .
18 And at points in the Addresses that does seem to be the direction in which Schleiermacher is heading .
19 One of the shops that 's been selling Rave is the O-H-M clothing store in Gloucester .
20 The West Indian families have different values — they still put a lot of faith in education , but it 's the way they bring this home to the kids that causes the problems .
21 And I thought all the kids that has passed through him
22 Perhaps that is one of the safeguards that has made this country such a successful and stable parliamentary democracy .
23 Maintaining the appearance of the civilised centre fighting the savage margins ( and Europe is still a margin for some ) displaces any confrontation of potential savagery at the centre , and the anxieties that raises .
24 Thing is I bet you the spikes that goes exactly next door to him I 'll paint yellow .
25 If we 've got to close homes , let's close them but make sure the homes that 's left are warm welcoming and give these people the dignity and the independence to which they are entitled to which they 've earned and which they thoroughly deserve .
26 Language thus contributes to an atmosphere in the fabliaux that lies above and outside the describable details of character and setting : an all-enveloping " feeling " of sensuality , shared by the real people involved — the authors and their anticipated readers/audiences — via the medium of the tale .
27 and vote for the parties that excludes them , but that mean the sort of thing he he does n't make much of that .
28 But I do n't think I am , because you 're human too , with all the contradictions that implies — hating me at the same time as you want me , for instance . ’
29 One of the images that does is the one taken in Thailand of three fish-tails swung as if from gallows silhouetted against the sky .
30 That is nevertheless only half their present number , and well under the 20 needed to form a recognised parliamentary group with the privileges that entails .
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