Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [pers pn] [adv] " in BNC.

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1 Q Although I 'd love to fill my home with baskets of potpourri , ornaments , vases , dried-flower arrangements and all the accessories I often read about in Ideal Home , my problem is the children .
2 I now bring before you all the attitudes I now realise to be wrong .
3 Even mention of ‘ cut and sew ’ never evoked the groans I so often hear in the UK , as most of the knitters realise , as I do , the value of this technique .
4 From experience you will know which of the icons you rarely use and which tools you frequently access via the menu .
5 The masterpieces he once owned by Leonardo , Correggio , Veronese , Rubens , Holbein , Breughel , Dürer , and Titian are now scattered among the world 's major art galleries .
6 information , er , they did it on erm , one of the programmes they actually put a bucket of water actually on the equator , I do n't know if you saw it .
7 This is why they do not , if they can possibly avoid it , pay the taxes the state can legitimately call for , obey the signs it reasonably puts up in the streets , and so on .
8 The artists I greatly admire are within that tradition , like Grunewaldt , Goya and Gericault .
9 The artists I greatly admire are within that tradition , like Grunewaldt , Goya and Gericault .
10 However , that is exactly what happened on the 7th of September this year when Christy , 65 , from Kelburne Drive , was reunited not only with his British comrades but also the Germans he bravely fought against .
11 Perhaps many other abbots had also been monks of the houses they eventually ruled , and Cnut did not always take much interest in their selection .
12 Our involvements st with this project started way back in nineteen eighty nine , went into a series of meetings which most recent I attended at the Greater York authorities , we learnt the full scale and extent of the housing land problems in the Greater York area , we of course have no part in the decisions which have been made by the Greater York authorities , nor in the plans they subsequently made for the York greenbelt , but clearly we remain closely interested in the outcome .
13 and the one one for the Libs he only used twenty seconds , twenty two seconds !
14 Er but in in terms of the proposals they actually make erm we find them somewhat contradictory in that erm it says earlier on in the in the committees report that erm accrued rights must be protected erm , it does n't say accrued rights which have to be lost through misappropriation of assets must be protected .
15 Within the groups we also find oppositions , for example between living and dead , and ( more subtly ) between hostile actions ( elbow ) and protective actions ( lift ) , with watch , hold , and follow keeping the balance between them .
16 Smaller family farmers have been neglected and offered derisory prices for the products they mostly sell ( e.g. cassava and honey , see Chambers and Singer 1980 ) .
17 ‘ One of the reasons we constantly return to sex is — I think — that we are always needing to know if this is enough to justify what we go through because of It .
18 Not listening was always one of my faults and one of the reasons I so frequently found myself isolated in misunderstanding : like a careless rider , cut off from the company , alone and benighted for failing to pay attention to the prevailing agreements as to intention and direction .
19 They 're one of the reasons I now make everyone come to me , rather than traipsing round the world . ’
20 But her heart , her poor , long-neglected heart , had answered yes , before her head had even begun to calculate all the reasons she absolutely could not and should not give herself over to this madness .
21 Erm I was , I , I thought that , when you covered all the policies you then went through and summarized all the needs and I thought you were n't going to go back and , and er explore further so what you did is you covered all the policies and then you summarized everything and then explored all the needs and s and at one point I thought that you were n't actually going to do that but you did come back and do it , you just did it in a different way .
22 There were occasional stark outcrops of rock and dark pools like tiny versions of the lochans he dimly remembered from his homesite .
23 I am drafting the minutes he never drafted .
24 Now if you think about conflict between the centre and the states you then have to ask the question well what is the centre ?
25 In Dundee 's Northern College , the Values Education Project developed a methodology through which a school could identify the values it already holds and set targets to grow from there .
26 The end of the Worlds , you know how cold it was there , and we were all going down the finish tunnel you just , all of the blokes you just thought
27 Although the ‘ Coronation Streets ’ of pre-war Britain may have lacked many of the amenities we now take for granted , at least they gave a sense of continuity in community to the people living in them — a sense which was buried in the concrete of municipal improvement .
28 Dislike of party lists is often fortified by dark suspicions about the quality of the candidates they supposedly include .
29 The Rutland jurors swore on 7 December 1299 that all the vills and lands outside the bounds they then set out had been afforested in the time of King John .
30 When he opened the door for her she stepped out towards the dark stairs of the barn , her mind still in the bright , airy room , and at the top of the steps she suddenly swayed giddily , pitching towards the stairs .
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