Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [noun pl] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 And all the openings nights since then have been the same .
2 A spokesman from ITV said : ‘ Our contract gives us exclusive rights to screen 10 domestic , six outdoor and three indoor events along with the Clubs Championships on Channel Four .
3 Now I think in our experience so far we find that erm the accounts clerks in the back office are those who are most likely to be bashing away at the character terminals , those are the people who are bashing data into the system .
4 If the futures prices for both commodities fall by 10% , the first strategy will result in Lois losing [ 10 × ( 50 000 × 0.10 - 10 000 × 0.10 ) ] = £40 000 , while the latter strategy will produce zero profit because it is unaffected by changes in the general level of prices , ( 10 × 50 000 × 0.10 - ( 50 × 10 000 × 0.10 ) = 0 ) .
5 Using transactions data from January 1984 to September 1988 , the following regression equation was separately estimated for each of ten futures contracts : where V is the implied standard deviation of futures prices at time t , M t is the number of days to maturity , F t is the futures prices at time t and Ε is a disturbance term .
6 WITH a huge ‘ bear squeeze ’ under way , agonised screams could be heard in the vicinity of the futures pits of London yesterday .
7 They did not waste time there but headed downhill , taking the shepherds ' road that slanted luminous green between clusters of birches , their shadows stretching ahead like gawky giants so that the children jigged to make the shadows jump and curved their fingers from their heads to give the giants silhouettes like devils .
8 One of my most memorable experiences at this time was an outing organised by the magazine Studio International in october 1969 in which we toured the artists studios of the East End .
9 This was the artists concoctions of dream landscapes , borrowed myths , symbolic objects and classical figures of kings and fairytales .
10 Thirdly , the Convention may be silent both as to the substance of a particular issue and as to the law by which it is to be determined , in which case it is a question of construction whether the Convention covers the point or merely leaves it to be dealt with under the law applicable under the conflicts rules of the forum .
11 Since a Convention rule covering an issue displaces the need for resort to the conflicts of laws whilst the non-coverage of an issue necessitates recourse to the applicable law as determined by the conflicts rules of the forum , it may become necessary to decide whether an issue on which the Convention contains no express provision is covered by implication , applying any canons of interpretation laid down by the Convention itself , and if not , whether recourse is to be had to general conflict-of-laws rules or to any particular conflict rules laid down by the Convention .
12 For manufactured goods , Malaysia has relied heavily on attracting foreigners to its Export processing Zones ( see below ) and letting them fight it out in the exports markets with the minimum of intervention .
13 And then the last item on the NOTES pages of Curve 's itinerary comes back to me : ‘ At a few shows , mainly the universities , alcohol is going to be a problem ’ .
14 The birds nests on the roofs of 81 , 84 , 110 and others have been reported to Messrs. Cresta , and we are assured that these will be attended to .
15 Some of the more important include George Blake , who worked for MI6 ( see Chapter 2 ) ; John Cairncross , who betrayed Ultra secrets from the Government Code & Cipher School ( GCCS ) at Bletchley Park during the war to the Russians ; John Vassall , a sad homosexual who gave away naval secrets while working at the Admiralty ; Frank Bossard , who gave the Russians details of British and American guided weapons systems ( which must have amused them greatly as the Russians were far ahead of the West at the time ) ; and William Marshall , who had worked as a cipher clerk at the British Embassy in Moscow .
16 Aside from Boyce and Lee , these include Edward Howard , a CIA employee who finally defected to Moscow taking with him a hoard of secret information about his work ; the Walker trio who for 17 years handed over details of US Navy cryptograhic equipment to the Russians in exchange for $750,000 ; Bruce Ott , a USAF airman who tried to sell the Russians a copy of the SR-71 spy plane operating manual ; Robert Miller , an FBI agent who passed on secret documents to the Russians ; Ronald Pelton , a communications expert with the NSA who for five years gave the Russians details of his work ; Clyde Conrad , a retired US Army sergeant who for five years is alleged to have handed over top army contingency plans to the East ; and Jonathan Pollard , a US Navy counter-intelligence analyst who was paid $50,000 by Israeli intelligence for top naval information , a particularly embarrassing incident .
17 Non verbal that 's why I know you think about body language but think of all the times things like that happen where the body language speaks it you know .
18 Undoubtedly the absence of a well thought out scheme of appraisal , including a major element of self-appraisal , followed by professional development programmes , has been a weakness in the personnel policies for education and should be remedied — business has the knowledge and experience to provide valuable assistance in this task .
19 she 's going to write to all the personnel directors in the big firms in Bridgeborough … she 's going to have outside teachers for the commercial subjects … a lecturer on current affairs …
20 ( Many of those letters go unanswered by the personnel departments of large companies who would be horrified by such discourtesy in would-be employees . )
21 In the 1980s , the personnel departments of many organisations are a lot slimmer than they were in the 1970s .
22 Ideally , the authors might before beginning the study have gained informed consent from the personnel departments of all the hospitals likely to be approached .
23 In China the personnel departments of some ministries are staffed entirely by party members , while in other ministries the personnel departments are actually party offices .
24 Brian , who has spent 24 years with the Group , has held positions in work study and the Personnel Departments at Mason 's Ironstone and Barlaston .
25 As Philip Mauer , secretary general of General Synod , remarks , ‘ The personnel systems within the church are rudimentary . ’
26 This is why Mrs Dole got the Labour Department to look at the personnel records of nine big companies around the country .
27 They show very clearly that the Government are ensuring that , while we may reduce the personnel numbers in our armed forces , we are increasing the relative proportion of funds spent on their equipment to ensure that in the future they have the equipment that they need to perform the tasks that we set them .
28 A manpower resources ' plan summarised the personnel requirements by skill category and headcount , together with the required training programme .
29 Equally , the degree of unionisation of the workforce seemed to have little impact on the personnel practices of manufacturing establishments in their use either of fixed-term contract workers or agency workers .
30 The ALA pushed on , with its School Library Manpower Project , funded by the Knapp Foundation , investigating the personnel needs of the new multi.media services they were advocating .
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