Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [prep] [be] " in BNC.

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1 A dominant concern related to the difficulty of ensuring meaningful comparability because of wide variations in how companies interpret the requirements of SSAP 13 ( Revised ) , with regard to both the activities to be included in R&D and the costs to be attributed to them .
2 Fourthly , in setting out the contract which may be oral or written , the activities to be undertaken are sorted out into individual tasks , and allocated between the worker and the client .
3 Information about the activities to be included will be obtained in the first instance from a synthesis of existing published material which will be used to summarise these firms on the basis of a number of standard characteristics .
4 LIFESPAN assumes that the parent of a user is the person to whom information is to be sent if the user is in some way deficient in the activities to be undertaken ; e.g. failing to make a DC assessment .
5 In addition , LIFESPAN always assumes that the parent of a user is the person to whom information is to be sent if a user is in some way deficient in the activities to be undertaken , e.g. failing to respond to a Software Performance Report .
6 In addition , LIFESPAN always assumes that the parent of a user is the person to whom information is to be sent if a user is in some way deficient in the activities to be undertaken , e.g. failing to respond to a Software Performance Report .
7 Sections 4 , 5 , 6 and 7 describe the forms to be used within the procedures .
8 This serial number will be filled in by the lexicographers and will represent the order in which the Project Director requires the forms to be actioned .
9 The forms to be followed in executing the request were those of the requested State , but a request that a special form be followed would be complied with provided the form specified were not contrary to the legislation of that State .
10 The National sometimes has bad jockeys , enthusiastic amateurs deemed by the pros to be something of a menace .
11 Neither is there any strong reason for finding the contracts to be internationalised ; they were straight-forward commercial contracts with no exceptional features other than that one party was an international organisation .
12 It would be unfortunate if common transactions of this nature should nevertheless cause the contracts to be avoided .
13 Bert Millichip , the FA chairman , withdrew England 's application for the clubs to be allowed back into Europe largely because of the way incidents involving English fans , the Dusseldorf police and young Germans looking for trouble had been reported by the press and TV back home .
14 As regards ( b ) it should be noted that all it does is to permit small and medium-sized companies to prune the accounts to be delivered to the Registrar and thus made public .
15 This undoubtedly reflects the complexity and breadth of the Government 's spending , but for the accounts to be of much use the disaggregated figures have to be used .
16 Furthermore , the auditors can only report on the information which they have been given by the Vendor and if that information is inaccurate ( causing the Accounts to be wrong ) the auditors will not be at fault .
17 Is it possible to arrange a different time for the accounts to be returned ?
18 The list is not definitive and must be adapted to the circumstances : ( 1 ) What is the balance sheet date and , if appropriate , what period is the profit and loss account to cover ? ( 2 ) Who is to prepare the first draft of the completion accounts ? ( 3 ) On what basis are the accounts to be prepared and what form are they to take ? ( 4 ) What is the mechanism for the other party to agree or dispute the draft accounts ? ( 5 ) What if the parties can not agree ?
19 I think we really forced the institutions to be much more thorough with the disciplinary underpinning to the degree .
20 Since for each item there is a 50 per cent chance of a correct response simply by guessing , children with scores of 8 or less on any set are regarded as in need of retesting , while very low scores ( 0–1 ) indicate that the child is systematically misunderstanding the meanings to be derived from word order .
21 Using customary pseudonyms , the artists to be found on this album will give any Detroitphile palpitations , especially as they are previously-unheard tracks .
22 This has been recognised for some time , perhaps most articulately in France , as one of the attainments to be expected from a top-class academic teacher and researcher , with an outstanding ability in accurate communication with the men ( and women ) in the street : haute popularisation .
23 I have , therefore , been asked to repeat my request of 3 July asking you to arrange for the hedges to be trimmed as soon as possible .
24 Only the new trench leading to the banqueting hall cut a brown gash through the green , but even there green moustaches were perhaps beginning to cover the lips of the parapets … the Collector hoped they were : he did not want the ramparts to be washed away .
25 The maximalist interpretation is more promising , and the views to be argued for in the rest of this essay explore and develop it .
26 There have been calls for legislation to give suppliers an automatic right to claim interest on overdue payments and for debt collecting procedures in the courts to be simplified .
27 If the secondary legislation thus created is found by the courts to be ultra vires it will be deemed to be of no effect .
28 In fact , one year later another " regular casual " employed by another large London hotel was held by the courts to be an employee , with the " Gardiner and Taverna " ruling being used as justification for this decision .
29 It therefore behoves the courts to be ever sensitive to the paramount need to refrain from trespassing upon the province of Parliament or , so far as this can be avoided , even appearing to do so .
30 If ministers appear to the courts to be acting in a way which is arbitrary or unfair ( as in Padfield and Tameside and Laker ) then the limitations will be insisted on .
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