Example sentences of "[art] [noun pl] [conj] as " in BNC.

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1 There is no suggestion even in the passage quoted earlier from the Acts that as Christians we should strive for communism and equality — rather our concern within the church community should be a genuine caring for those in need .
2 This device was suspended by rope from the upper windows of the houses and as the bull charged , it would be hoisted into the air leaving ‘ Old Roger ’ to career futilely forward .
3 Well I think this is partly one of the reasons that as urologists we need to be thinking about changing gear .
4 He wins a lot of ball in the line-outs and as such is a useful character to have at top level , in tandem with a big no.8 .
5 We 'd carefully worked out the tides and as arranged waded back to the shore at 8 o'clock .
6 She ironed the covers and as she sat sewing them up round the cushions she felt her energy ebb and realised she was very chilly , and oh how the flesh above her knees ached !
7 We auc we auctioned the books after as you know and erm so I I 'll have to make a new list of what 's left and let you have it .
8 1.13 " Lease " means a Lease of the Premises for a term of years commencing on the Term Commencement Date reserving [ a or an initial ] rent of £ ( pounds ) per year such Lease to be in the form of the draft Lease annexed and initialled by or on behalf of the parties with such modifications as may from time to time be agreed in writing by or on behalf of the parties or as may be made pursuant to clause 4 of this agreement
9 Bush characterized the action as having no military advantage for the Iraqis and as providing further evidence of Saddam Hussein 's ability to " amaze " and " outrage " international opinion .
10 But surprising the people that you do n't realise , you know , it troubles the parents and as I say they took them to a number of specialists and given different things
11 The other thing I I was n't sure and this is just my thoughts on it , you are using the stewards as as points where they 're going to be you know coordinating people and everything .
12 He had bent down , his hand among the grasses but as she spoke he straightened up and thrust a grubby fist into his pocket .
13 We arranged ourselves in the seats and as we headed for Shellerton in the early dark I told her calmly , incompletely and without terrors , the gist of what had befallen us in Sam 's boatyard .
14 Carbon dioxide is the most soluble of the gases because as it dissolves it does n't just go through a physical solution it goes through a chemical conversion such that carbon dioxide dissolving in water forms carbonic acid which , in water will dissociate into a hydrogen iron and a hydrogen bicarbonate iron which can further dissociate this is why I 've got a nice wide blackboard and you 've only got a piece of A four paper so you end up with a carbonate iron two hydrogen ions This system is a dynamic equilibrium .
15 Superficially , they resemble the galeaspids but as yet very little is known about these animals and any statement about their affinities must be speculative .
16 erm Jane gave me the figures and as I say this division is about forty seven percent .
17 I can tell you you 're in for some trouble if you start that because I I is you you 're all in trouble if you want to start these smaller committees , we have looked at the committees and as I say we make no apology for the number of committees or the number that 's on 'em .
18 I , I can remember all the activity and er when it was erected there was a fella from the First World War , he lost a leg in the war and he was in charge of the billiards room and the tables , when they built the club itself the front part used to be devoted to card games and then they installed a billiards hall and the tables and as I say a chap named he used to live in Street , but he was , a lost a leg during the war and they found him the job of looking after the tables and marking
19 It was Martin who took the reins and as he cried , ‘ Gee-up ! you there , you flibbertigibbet ! ’ the horse , as if recognising the voice , tossed its head and went off at a spanking pace down the road , and as they laughed , Harry said , ‘ Would you believe it !
20 ( 2 ) In case of a dissolution of the partnership , whether as respects all the partners or as respects the assigning partner , the assignee is entitled to receive the share of the partnership assets to which the assigning partner is entitled as between himself and the other partners , and , for the purpose of ascertaining that share , to an account as from the date of the dissolution .
21 Conley picked up the passengers but as he overtook a car on Overdale Road , Park End , Middlesbrough , he lost control .
22 I just think it was a momentum that was caused by some villages feeling safer from the nationalists as they got further and further from the front and therefore more and more people a bit f erm being willing to sort of talk again , shout up against the , the landlords and as they saw , as they saw that their neighbours were getting land , all the others decided well they 're getting land , we might as well talk to , have a talk about them the problems and the harsh treatment that we 've had in , in years before .
23 Er that is very welcome , and also that there will be help at the weekends because as I 've often reported before , that 's often when things escalate at weekends for some unknown reason .
24 There were lights in all the windows and as Julia slowly walked up the stairs , she could hear the sound of cheerful voices from the salon .
25 If this view is accepted , the question arises whether the estimate of fair value for this purpose should be made as at the issue date of the warrants or as at the exercise date .
26 He slapped Harry lightly on the buttocks and as the boy shivered down through the foam into the hot , stinging water , Deuce clapped his hands .
27 Another place of worship was built in 1828 for the Methodists but as attendances dwindled in the 1970s it was decided to share with Christ church , a facility which made economic sense .
28 He was always one for the girls and as soon as he was a bit older , instead of the dogs he always seemed to have besotted females hanging round him .
29 At least not when I 'm passing on that cost to you the users and as any cost increase will decrease the use of further track closures will follow .
30 The night shift volunteer was standing next to me getting ready to come on to the phones and as I came off a call he started to chat to me .
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