Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [v-ing] on " in BNC.

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1 The promised re-routing on the Bromsgrove Line means that passengers make the connection at Worcester Shrub Hill .
2 When we take somebody , assess their needs and offer them a care package , in terms of the elderly , erm , and more importantly in terms of those with physical disability or learning disability , we have basically got to support that person for the rest of their life , and therefore , the commitment is not just for the current year , the commitment in , in the case of the elderly depending on what is being offered , whether it be nursing home care , or residential care is for several months or years .
3 It would be much simpler if he were simply talking about the relationship between the legislative and the executive cos here he could say right , if the executive gets out of hand and starts acting arbitrarily and tyrannically , then the legislative acting on behalf of the people as a whole can take action as indeed parliament did during the civil wars .
4 The problem here is that the transhistorical account of the Oedipal crisis and the consequent focusing on the eternal problems of the shaping of sex and gender already presupposes the existence of basic drives which are outside culture .
5 See the cheap showing on this is five to six .
6 I 'll do a complete costing on it but I think er the only thing is of course there are so few agents total .
7 Secondly the deliveries of the equipment from the equipment suppliers who had been selected er generally fell behind the promises which they had made , so the main reason for the technical delays has been lack of equipment of the correct standard to proceed with the integration programme erm the erm the problems which beset the programme in nineteen ninety two after the German minister started questioning its future clearly had a direct bearing on that because many of the equipment suppliers , particularly those in Germany , suddenly began to think hey this programme is not going anywhere , why should we invest a lot of effort and and money into it and they slowed down so that has had a knock on effect in in terms of delaying the total programme and erm the result of all of that has been that the current development programme schedule which we have supplied to the committee is probably about as fast as the programme is capable of running .
8 The budget , of course , also has a major bearing on the level of next year 's Poll Tax bills .
9 you know plenty of other little girls that would want to look after him , and I said it 's no good relying on Vicky because she , the little sister , she 's nine , she was too young to do things by herself , you know , I said there 's no way you can let , leave it all to Vicky , so that if you do n't want him any more you must tell me and I said there 'll be no hard feelings but that 's it , cos he comes first at the end of the day , so she said oh I , oh I have been naughty have you been ?
10 This type of plan is know as I think B is the answer , you know , of anybody got that wrong I think a severe smacking on the head is probably due .
11 There was a hangnail at the side of my thumb and now I took it between my teeth and tore it off so that the blood ran , leaving a scarlet spotting on my dress where it bloused out above my waist .
12 It was , incidentally , a journey of about 20 miles , and it is an interesting reflection on the times that no one saw any danger in an 11-year-old embarking on such a trip alone .
13 Mr Crump was , in fact , an extremely able , shrewd , exploitative and successful businessman and lawyer whose weaknesses were an over-fondness for his wife and an utter doting on their daughter .
14 On that , I think it is generally known , that we , that Telford was n't anywhere near the top of the list , and it had been taken purely on the question of the er , needs of the various areas , it 's unlikely that Telford would have succeeded , even with its reduced geographical area , but I made discrete enquiries and was told that the factor which tipped er , the Commission in favour of Telford , and this has an important bearing on what we 're going to discuss later , was the fact that Telford has been very good in taking up schemes and providing their section , and not just the Wreakin District Council , other area , other bodies in Telford , of getting good innovative schemes off the ground and providing the cash , they did n't , as some areas did , get the status , and then hardly do anything about it .
15 Butterfly Cooing Like a Dove ( Doubleday , £25 ) by Miriam Rothschild is a unique and uncategorisable delight , an autobiographical musing on the extraordinary appeal of these two winged creatures .
16 Apparent areas of convergence , such as an ostensible focusing on the ‘ welfare of the child ’ , should not be allowed to disguise what are regarded as real differences stemming from different psychological and political assumptions underlying the two positions .
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