Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [prep] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 ( Certain gilts can be traded special ex dividend three weeks prior to the normal ex dividend date , which means that they can be bought or sold with or without the next coupon during this period . )
2 Well so far we 've just been looking at the record of growth bands in this coral skeleton , but we can acquire a great deal of additional information by sampling the skeleton , and we sample the skeleton using a small drill and we can analyze the , the powders that we collect for the stabilized of oxygen .
3 Although the Bois became notorious as the place where the respectable of society met the less respectable , it was nevertheless , in some sense , an extension of the Court itself , for the carriage outings of the Emperor and the Empress formed part of the spectacle :
4 One or two surveys revealed better health and a greater degree of satisfaction among the occupied over pension age than among the retired ( Anderson and Cowan 1955 ; We ! ford 1966 ) , and the high death-rate in the first year following cessation of work was often quoted to prove that retirement might speed premature deterioration .
5 He is now wholly caught up in his own sufferings , in a new dichotomy , an agonizing split within himself : Although he rejects conscience as ‘ but a word that cowards use , /Devised at first to keep the strong in awe ’ ( 309f. ) , the duality between truth and lies proves too great for Richard to sustain .
6 Lift up the strong in arm for they shall put out the chairs , blessed are they whose heads are bursting with ideas , for they should be put on the programme committee .
7 That was the strong inside bet from Central Park yesterday as the champions angrily denied they had made a move for Sydney St George coach Brian Smith to succeed Monie .
8 Unfortunately , the NME offices at this time were dominated by sad , prematurely middle-aged post-modernist bores , sneering at anything enthusiastic of smacking of the political in pop .
9 so I 've put that away , I , it ai n't even in my account , Alan 's got that and I said to Alan if I pass this test I shall buy a banger , five hundred quid with this tax money and then put the odd to insurance , if I do n't I 'll leave it where it is , because I , I mean little one will want a holiday and that anyway so I 've kept it for that , but that 's what I intend to do , so I said to Alan if I get a little banger just enough to get me to Tettering and back I was gon na go tech , to do some courses
10 And at one time , we used to feed what we called , for the used to chaff some of the the poorest hay and straw and spread it out in a thick layer about oh twelve of fifteen inches high on the floor of the of the barn .
11 This family comes from a long line of fishermen … now unable to float their boats in the silted up harbour except at high tide they catch hardly enough to feed themselves .
12 Cuervo is the Spanish for crow , which is the Celtic bird sent in by the Gods on the eve of battle .
13 It seems only the Spanish at present can make films with sex , politics and comedy in equal measure .
14 The Spanish in South America had of course embarked on this course long before the British ; the changes of 1757–63 mark the point at which the British moved on an appreciable scale into the imperial activity of gaining new subjects in the process of expansion .
15 Ultimately , the fragmentary nature of the Habsburg empire led to its fall , leaving the Spanish in control of Italy , a position they would maintain until the early part of the eighteenth-century when they lost it with the War of the Spanish Succession .
16 Now he could smell the burnt-phosphorous of tracer in the air .
17 The Commission must be on the side of the under-privileged in employment .
18 For example , the aspirated allophone of/p/ occurs in pie and the unaspirated in spy .
19 Ministering on the front line under fire he showed conspicuous bravery and was awarded the MC for his tending of the wounded under fire during the attack on the Messines ridge .
20 Thirty girls between the ages of six and ten slept , ate and did their lessons in rooms with noble proportions , blistered stucco and peeling paint ; they were each permitted the character-building company of one small pet and one pony , and slept on iron beds left behind from the mansion 's use as a hospital for the wounded of World War I.
21 Someone with a genuine concern for the wounded of World War One , the miners of South Wales , the unemployed , for , and homeless in general .
22 Leaving a dozen men under Ollokot to besiege Gibbon , Joseph led his people south at noon , hauling the wounded on travois and noting sadly : ‘ The Nez Perce never make war on women and children ; we could have killed a great many women and children while the war lasted , but we would feel ashamed to do so cowardly an act . ’
23 He was so moved by the sufferings of the wounded at the battle of Solferino ( the Lombard village where the French and Sardinians defeated the Austrians in June 1859 ) that he published a book urging the formation of permanent voluntary aid societies to succour the wounded in time of war , and this so caught international imagination that in 1863 , sixteen European nations met at a conference in Geneva to launch the plan .
24 Almost all were in circumstances of cold blooded murder , including shooting in the back , shooting the wounded in hospital , and by explosives planted in buildings and on roads .
25 I ca n't think he was helped by all the upset at home during the past 18 months — mum taking a new man , & more or less telling both children that they could go & live with their Dad ( or Dads ) .
26 One of these patients ( Table ; patient 15 ) required a later hepaticojejunostomy , which was performed without any problem related to the stent in place .
27 If the investigation does pin-point hooligans as the cause of this incident one hopes British Transport Police will spare no effort in bringing the guilty to book .
28 The learner , too , needs to have a sense of purpose , and wants to regard the tutor as the professional in charge of the learning situation ( FEU 1990 ) .
29 That , that 's the one you have to remember which one you put on which , that was the left on top of the right , now the right on top of the left yes , come on
30 That 's the right on top of the left okay , right on top of the left , now you 've crossed over again left on top of the right , put that through there okay yeah
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