Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] into the " in BNC.

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1 From a Neil Pink corner , the ball was cleared to outside the penalty area , where a strong shot from Minto flew over the defence into the net .
2 Peggy stood up and slipped out of the tent into the bright August afternoon .
3 Fit the shield into the stem , ( c ) , and bind as before .
4 Step up the stairway into the Hotel Royal and you step up to a modestly furnished property , decorated in a modern style .
5 Grant ( 1986 , p. 203 ) argues that the spillover into the courts of cases such as that cited above is ‘ the direct and inevitable product of the worsening state of central-local relations ’ .
6 Rebecque followed the Prince into the map room .
7 Even though the Prime Minister has not incorporated the provision into the agreement at Maastricht , does he not agree that it is high time that we in this country also took those steps for ourselves ?
8 If the acceleration is healthy , the change into the climb can be made normally ; if the acceleration is slower than normal , then of course the climb must be restricted .
9 Count the change into the customer 's hand , and say how much change you are giving .
10 If the Development Manager considers the change proposed has little or no impact on functionality , cost , or timescale when he should allow the incorporation of the change into the design and ensure that it is described in the design documentation .
11 She had followed the stretcher into the emergency department there , to be asked particulars about the patient .
12 From there the road was downhill , so we were able to coast noiselessly down into the sleeping suburbs , then dismount and push the bike into the city centre .
13 Lotus wants a partner to help put a £1,500 to £2,000 version of the bike into the shops within a year .
14 The rider does n't just lean the bike into the corner — he knocks the machine on to its side , pushing heavily on the right handlebar to turn the front wheel to the left and drop the machine to the right .
15 With the bike into the corner and turned , the rider is thinking of one thing only from now on — getting on to the throttle as soon as possible .
16 ‘ Ow , McAllister , that do n't look safe , ’ panted Rose as she wheeled herself and the bike into the road , preparatory to setting off for the buildings .
17 Radicals from across London , Britain , and Europe began to pour into the college to observe , participate , or make unsuccessful attempts to take the struggle into the correct channels .
18 Where decay has advanced along the joist into the building interior , it may be necessary to splice on a new timber end to the member , carried on a joist-hanger .
19 Borrowing several hundred yards from the Cunha Surf I steered the board into the now towering Queen 's Surf .
20 For instance , the smooth flowing curve of the soft rail encourages water to follow the line of the rail up around the board , therefore having the effect of sucking the board into the water .
21 The board is travelling at the necessary high speed and the sailor 's weight is starting to bank the board into the turn .
22 Spread out the seaweed into the shape in which it is to be pressed while still in the water , then slowly lift it out of the basin , keeping it flat , let it drip for a while and then place it on a waterproof surface .
23 He even tried to reload fast enough to have another crack at it , but it thumped into the wet heather near the river before he could get the shell into the gun .
24 The colouring could pass through the shell into the egg , especially if the shell were to break during cooking .
25 The nuts were always available for the little animals but we watched intently as the farmer poured the milk into the buckets and the calves started to drink .
26 Her hands trembled as she poured the milk into the mugs .
27 He watched in agony as Ram , with the deliberate movements of long service and old age , tore the cartridge , emptied the powder into the muzzle , and took his ramrod to drive down the rest of the cartridge .
28 ‘ What heat down there , ’ Sabina blew out , as she sat down and stuffed the handful of down she had pulled from the plover into the bag of feathers Nunzia kept for plumping pillows .
29 They 've been I putting the money into the tube and forgetting the dockets .
30 When confronted , Mr Samuels had agreed to close the account and transfer the money into the chambers ' bank account .
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