Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] or give " in BNC.

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1 They pointed out that the incident could be marked by planting a tree on the course or giving a party .
2 In every case that I have examined , the police were involved at a very early stage , before any serious attempt had been made either to assess the reliability of the allegation or to give the accused teacher a chance of refuting it .
3 I think it would be most appropriate for the local representatives of the Church of Scotland , since the areas are presbyteries , to take the initiative or to give that encouragement without which these local teams will not find a place .
4 Anselm acquiesced in this explanation and waited for peace , but then , long after it had been apparent to others , it dawned on him that he must either do the job or give it up — preferably , so far as he was concerned , the latter .
5 It was then the custom of the Church of England that a curate should be ordained to be a deacon ( the lowest order of the ministry ) whose duty was to help the parish priest in all his pastoral duties but who could not perform the priestly acts of celebrating the sacrament or giving absolution or blessing .
6 Some hospitals are already trying to make mealtimes more fun by having children 's favourites on the menu or giving them child-friendly utensils , but many hospitals lag behind .
7 When the guarantee is released , or you get the deposit back , you must help us to cancel the guarantee or give us the deposit .
8 When the guarantee is released , or you get the deposit back , you must help us to cancel the guarantee or give us the deposit .
9 When the guarantee is released , or you get the deposit back , you must help us to cancel the guarantee or give us the deposit .
10 When the guarantee is released , or you get the deposit back , you must help us to cancel the guarantee or give us the deposit .
11 He could remember a period of engagement with art — with Greek statuary and the young gods of Renaissance paintings , those bodies officially sanctified on the page or given sexual neutrality as museum displays .
12 Never flinch from informing the RSPCA or giving details to Puppywatch
13 However , where , as in the present case , there is an injunction in force , it seems to me that Mr. Langley and Mr. Philipson are right in saying that it is open to the court to consider the issue of validity , since , if the notice were indeed invalid , it could not override the injunction or give grounds for a variation .
14 Thus , while marrying the father was the most likely outcome of an extra-marital conception in 1970 ; by 1988 , single women were more likely to terminate the pregnancy or give birth to the child without marrying the father ( Figure 2 ) .
15 It was partly with the new saw table and also he wanted to try and get more er sellable saleable product out of the slate , cos previously we had been throwing away quite a bit or giving it to and I think it really started as a family argument between him and his brother .
16 Schools which create a department or give teachers specific responsibilities for meeting individual needs can , inadvertently , reduce the responsibility of all teachers .
17 His hands sometimes stopped shaking long enough for him to light a fag or give his teeth the once-over with Pepsodent , but that was every other Scumday in a month with a zed in it .
18 They may also write letters to Sinterklaas setting out what gifts they would like to receive , or do a drawing or give him a small present .
19 Well leaving them a key or giving them the key to get in .
20 This work , by Singer and Wynne ( 1966 ) , demonstrated communication abnormalities characterised by disruptions , vagueness , irrelevance and lack of closure ( such as answering with a question or giving contradictory information ) .
21 For instance , twice as many subjects in Wales were referred to a specialist or given an abdominal examination than in Humberside and Yorkshire , and half as many were prescribed tablets .
22 Anyone who has tried to alter their own habits , like going on a diet or giving up smoking , will realise the degree of ill-ease and anxiety it causes .
23 All the artists featured in the charity 's 25th anniversary exhibition have either donated a picture or given 50 per cent of the sale price .
24 And I hope you have n't gone to any trouble cooking for me because I can barely keep owt down these days , not after t'hospital , me appetite quite sickened away on me wi' the things they serve up — greasy bits o' beef skirt and nasty little salads wi' half a two-week old egg and a few outside leaves o' lettuce and a bit o' wet beetroot , no , it was an effort getting it down , let alone keeping it down — I can tell you , there was many as could n't , eggs from t'infernal regions we got for us breakfast as often as not , right stink bombs , but could you get any o' them nurses to have a sniff or give us another i'stead ?
25 If you 're confronted on the phone by someone you 'd rather not speak to , or asked to name a price or give information you 're not ready to give , then always ask if you can call back later .
26 try reaching a compromise or give way on one ( lesser ) risk so as to obtain your teenager 's agreement to forego another one .
27 Does learning to ride a bicycle or give an injection involve the same processes as learning the anatomy and physiology of the alimentary tract , or a foreign language , or learning to solve problems ?
28 The decision to purchase a microcomputer or to give advice on the purchase means that the school librarian and teachers will have to gather information in relation to the questions posed above on criteria for selection .
29 Similarly in a wedding speech statements about religion or politics might result in a quarrel or give offence by causing people with opposing views to disagree , insult each other , or try to convert each other .
30 Through the centuries politicians , protestors and agitators of every sort found them invaluable for smiting the public eye ; and , in their most debased form , they were used by such printers as James Catnach ( 1792–1841 ) of the Seven Dials , London , to convey to sensation seekers scaffold speeches by murderers and other criminals , often before the rogues had uttered a word or given any sign that they intended to .
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