Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] have [verb] " in BNC.

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1 This f is used only to detect when the algorithm has reached a summit or plateau .
2 It keeps a list , called OPEN , of nodes which the algorithm has found and which are not goals but whose children might be goals .
3 The porter had stayed almost half an hour — presumably dismantling and re-constructing a perfectly healthy tap — and by the time he had left , it was true , she 'd felt far more relaxed .
4 Then , her heart in her mouth , she went into the pub , located the public call box in the lobby and dialled the number the porter had given her .
5 They were glad to see it , as they had packed some food in one of the suitcases , and directly the porter had gone they set about preparing a meal .
6 Charlotte booked into a hotel in the centre of Boston and hunted down the telephone directory in her room as soon as the porter had left .
7 She would be well and truly mystified by the sight of an elderly king who needs to be helped into his chair one minute , but can swing his cane around like a golf stick the next , and even more flummoxed by the depiction of a world in which the porter has closed circuit television , but the method of killing has n't changed a jot .
8 While the others seemed still obsessed with the catastrophe of 1870 , Pétain was assiduously and pragmatically studying more recent campaigns such as the Boer War and the RussoJapanese War of 1905 , where the defence had given so good an account of itself .
9 It looked as if the defence had made its point .
10 Although the defence had demanded the release of extracts from Reagan 's diaries as a means of circumventing the memory lapses suffered by the former President , Reagan had cited executive privilege in order to resist the move [ see pp. 37240-41 ] .
11 One day he reported that the defence had claimed that partisan warfare was contrary to the Hague Convention , that the Germans therefore had every right to take reprisals against the partisans , and that any excesses on their part were explained if not justified by their horror of what the partisans did .
12 At Southwark Crown Court , he said it was a fraud against the Inland Revenue involving unpaid corporation tax and not , as the defence had claimed , a swindle perpetrated abroad by others against Japanese tax authorities .
13 Supposing , however , the defence has to cope with attackers pushing up just far enough to catch them on the turn and stay onside .
14 Such things as fingers , hernias and extended navels have caused problems in practice when the defence has submitted that it was not the penis which was exposed but some other similar looking object .
15 The defence have said medical evidence gleaned from tests on Mr Harris ' brain shows he suffers from a rare abnormality .
16 The response has taken my breath away , I had no idea there were so many people who cared .
17 Yes well er if it 's a joint account and the income 's i i if it 's a joint account and the income 's generated from that account , then er it will be er treated as one going to the taxpayer , er you know , half of it going to the taxpayer , half of it going to the non-taxpayer .
18 Goremykin , the premier had become a mere figurehead in charge of no major department , and individual ministers reverted to reporting independently and in haphazard fashion to the Tsar .
19 He said hundreds of thousands of jobs and lives had been destroyed while the Premier had done nothing but watch it happen .
20 The Premier has complained to friends of ‘ middle-aged , pot-bellied ’ commissioners poking their noses in .
21 The Premier has appealed to editors of Tory-supporting papers to lay off Chancellor Norman Lamont and hide the depth of the economic crisis .
22 The Treeman had kept them safe in the deepest wildwoods while war raged .
23 Thirty minutes and the tent had gone .
24 They found the various members of the company still rigid and separate , like a circle of tent pegs after the tent has blown away .
25 It seemed certain that the dead man in the park had attacked the killer and had left his mark — many people mentioned a cut and a badly bloodstained face .
26 The Park had closed at 4.30 p.m. the previous day , the detectives learned , yet it was not unknown for nimble adolescents and desperate adults to gain access to the Parks from half-a-dozen possible places .
27 Dick , an eight year old boy , entered the park through a hole in the fence , after the park had closed .
28 Although the company has now withdrawn , the trails it cut into the park have opened the area up to illegal mining , hunting and logging .
29 He showed me some really nice places , and then we went to this park , I ca n't remember what the park 's called .
30 In effect the Park has become part of the city 's road network .
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