Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [v-ing] in " in BNC.

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1 By pushing down on the boom I was keeping the rig more upright , hence providing more power whilst also keeping the board more level and stopping the back of the board digging in too much .
2 Nevertheless , despite all the money flowing in from concerts , pupils and publications , Mozart was indeed in debt again by the year 's end and was having to beg a loan from his publisher Franz Anton Hoffmeister — for whom his next string quartet , K. 499 ( the ‘ Hoffmeister ’ ) , was written , perhaps in gratitude .
3 Only the money pouring in by every post seriously concerned her .
4 Each year , the whole of the money coming in from the world A.P.F .
5 Exactly what we spend our money on does not matter too much , as long as the money going out is not more than the money coming in .
6 With Thornton dropping into the background and the money coming in , the comrades progressed to the next stage , the dummy edition .
7 Before you take out a loan sit down and list all the money coming in and what you will have to pay out .
8 But the money coming in from that A B C erm it was somebody from Grimsby who got into terrible trouble not not problems really with the T P A.
9 However there is still a long way to go and I would like to ask all Assay readers to keep the fund raising ideas and , most importantly , the money coming in !
10 I have heard that even if they lose 15 per cent of the money coming in at the moment , some of them could fold .
11 And most of the money coming in was offset by spending on imports into the bloc .
12 While making this last scene , the stuntman standing in for Robert Wagner — playing McQueen 's co-pilot-was killed while making the jump .
13 Well there is a of course the tannoy coming in , the
14 It must have seemed to them that Marian and Allen had perished in the flames and their own immediate concern was to remove themselves from the danger of the roof falling in on their heads and from the certain consequence that so conspicuous a fire in the night would be seen by the outlaws and would sooner or later bring them to the scene .
15 MAX : Temper about the roof falling in .
16 ‘ It kept coming through the sun roof and at one point I heard the roof caving in , ’ he said from his hospital bed .
17 Her body lay at the rest in the chapel downstairs , the light filtering in through lancet windows on her oak coffin and the dark-stained , hand-carved pews .
18 The light filtering in was enough to reveal a darkly gleaming surface of water , turbulent , continually rising .
19 He remembers a summer afternoon with Keith , the light coming in through partly drawn curtains , Keith 's tight curls resting on John 's lap .
20 Almost 2½ hours were lost spanning the lunch-break , the light closing in and drizzle painting a sheen on the covers .
21 There was a bathroom with a sloping floor and an ineradicably evil smell : even in winter , with the snow drifting in , we bathed with the window open .
22 Someone with a draughty door would love Peter Rabbit to stop the wind whistling in .
23 Is the wind blowing in do you think ?
24 But the wind sweeping in from the sea even got to him , with the Open Champion dropping four shots in three holes , including a double bogey five at the treacherous 15th .
25 From behind them , they could feel the wind driving in , wild and bitter cold , from the open sea .
26 Hark at the wind coming in through the
27 They heard and then stopped heading the wind breathing in the trees overhead and the stream rustling in the valley .
28 Someone invents a scrambler device so people can use their Cellnet phones without the opposition listening in .
29 I was reading some gimcrack book about economics , full of those pictograms that fall half-way between diagrams and drawings , when I heard the thudding of a diesel engine running under the roar of the gale coming in off the sea and over the whirr of the fan heater that was marinading my feet .
30 Just the club cashing in with the sad sheep crawling out of the woodwork everywhere .
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