Example sentences of "[art] [noun sg] [be] [being] " in BNC.

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1 The response is being used to help shape future policy in this vital area .
2 Work on the park is being co-ordinated by Simon Mockford , on behalf of Suffolk County Council , from Ipswich Borough Council and Babergh District Council .
3 And the Park was being beautifully maintained ; the trees were not being needlessly felled ; the formal garden that girdled the house retained all its statuary . …
4 Mr. Larmer started at Radford Park twelve years ago when the park was being created .
5 In some wooded areas which have developed in recent decades on open ground , such as abandoned heathlands , the opportunity is being taken to restore the now scarce and declining open habitat .
6 Ensure that your memo to the Network identifies the opportunity as a Third Party Sell Situation and explains why the opportunity is being circulated to the Network .
7 Their origin is thought to be the east Mediterranean and if the majority were being imported into Kent very few were allowed to pass further .
8 In each place nine clients remained as open cases , but only two in Ipswich and three in Newham were receiving support worker help ( the remainder were being regularly monitored ) .
9 The remainder was being retained by the Crown and would be used to form seven large , Crown-owned farms .
10 AN escaped prisoner known as The Crusher was being hunted last night by police probing a nightwatchman 's murder .
11 If the link is being removed , the user will no longer have automatic access to your modules .
12 In September a combination of politically clean hands plus a rising tide of Bonapartism led to the Prince 's being elected yet again , this time in five separate constituencies .
13 The first was the ultra-nationalist core of his political support , which might react badly to the suggestion that the Fatherland was being " sold " to foreigners — and liberal democratic foreigners at that .
14 Not too often that a company goes back to a previous vendor after switching , but Hydro Mississauga Ltd of the eponymous Ontario town , is returning to the Hewlett-Packard Co HP 3000 with Mitchell Humphrey & Co financials , after three years of using an IBM Corp 4381 : the change is being made in an effort to save $2m in operating costs and gain performance improvements , dumping the 4381 for an HP 3000 Series 957 running HP MPE/iX ; it says the power of the new machine has enabled it to reduce its operations shifts from three to two and to cut overnight batch processing from 11 to four hours , and one table-loading job was shortened from 14 hours to 20 minutes — and on-line response time is ‘ significantly improved ’ ; it switched from an HP 3000 Series 70 that lacked the capacity needed in 1989 , moving to the 4381 with Dun & Bradstreet Corp software .
15 Remember that , if working in a large organisation , then someone might be asked to assess the DC who has no clue as to why the change is being proposed .
16 The mortuary van had moved closer to the rim of the hollow and the stretcher was being manoeuvred into place .
17 The stretcher was being passed over the heads of the crowd .
18 One might suggest that the vibrancy in the Philippine health movement is a measure of the critical nature of the struggle but I could argue that it is a product of the manner in which the struggle is being waged .
19 The trial was being viewed as a test case for the law , but Isobel Brydie , co-chairman of Scotland 's Campaign Against Irresponsible Drivers , said that as Ballantine had been as convicted on the dangerous driving charge it did not test the court 's response to the new section .
20 The award is being presented tomorrow by ITN 's lunchtime presenters .
21 The signal to pump is when the back of the board is being lifted by a wave .
22 Speculation about clashes among Time Warner 's top management spread quickly after an announcement the day after Mr Ross ' death that the board was being reconstituted and reduced from 21 members to 15 .
23 An election could come at any time , and policies across the board were being honed in readiness .
24 Most complications occurred with the first few procedures when the technique was being developed .
25 He seems later to have returned ; possibly an attempt on the throne was being planned when he died , for the C text 's statement that Cnut afterwards had him killed is followed by Florence , who adds that he was betrayed by those he held dearest .
26 ‘ Quality of childcare and practicality are also important and although cash works out cheapest , it has a serious drawback in that the employer has no control over how the money is being used .
27 They wanted to know how the money is being paid , about payslips in general , and the wage structure at Underhill .
28 Though the money is being spent , local vendors are having a tough time coping with the increasingly erratic nature of demand and worsening financial instability .
29 The money is being spent not only on books but also on a considerable number of photographs for the political iconography archive .
30 The next question is how the money is being transferred to the Department from the DSS will be managed .
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