Example sentences of "[art] place in a " in BNC.

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1 The fleapit at the centre of another Rose script , The Smallest Show on Earth ( 1957 , Big Time Operators in US ) , directed by Ealing 's Basil Dearden , is eventually burnt to the ground by its old commissionaire : ‘ It were the only way were n't it ’ , he says to the cooing couple who inherited the place in a town stinking of glue from the local factory , together with staff so lost in the past that they still enjoy looking at Hepworth 's Comin ’ Thro ’ The Rye .
2 On returning at night , with his dog , who was usually at his heels , he again stopped at Aylesford , and as is too frequently the case upon such occasions , he drank immoderately , and left the place in a state of intoxication .
3 They slept overnight and left the place in a mess .
4 It was in 1936 that the first American edition of Lionello Venturi 's History of Art Criticism was published , containing material which could equally have found a place in a book about art history .
5 ‘ I bet you 'd never leave a place in a state like this ! ’
6 If I had failed to get a place in a law school and had been forced to take something else as a second choice then this would have been acceptable .
7 If as Marx said , the working class have no country , what does it mean to have a place in a culture anyway ?
8 Much controversy surrounded the finalization of this part of the Act centred on the question whether all 3–5 year olds should become entitled to a place in a nursery or pre-school .
9 We will carry out pilot projects for the ‘ foyer ’ concept , whereby young people are given a place in a hostel if in exchange they give a commitment to train and look for work .
10 At school leaving age , parents who had previously been able to cope with a child attending or possibly boarding at a special school are faced with the continuing prospect of full time life with their mentally handicapped son or daughter who may be unable to find a place in a training centre or enter full time education .
11 There are a range of other citizenship ‘ obligations ’ that could find a place in a government 's policy .
12 He gained unchallenged possession of the goalkeeper 's jersey in the Palace dressing room in January 1926 and earned a place in a Football League representative side later than year .
13 Therefore , you must arrange with the hospital for a place in a convalescent home for the post-operative phase .
14 She had been phoning people who might go to Greece with her or drive her there or , failing that , pay her air-fare , and eventually she succeeded in getting a loan from an aunt and an offer of a place in a minibus from an old schoolfellow and her boyfriend .
15 In 1687 , when James II was trying to conciliate Dissenters in order to win toleration for Catholics , Bunyan was offered a place in a reconstructed Bedford Town Corporation , which he refused .
16 CASE STUDY 2.1 A newly blind old woman living alone was referred by her next door neighbour for a place in a residential home .
17 One concern is that as the numbers of very aged people increase in the population , so those offered a place in a home are increasingly dependent .
18 The decision to apply for a place in a residential care home is very often a traumatic one , whether it is a planned or an emergency admission .
19 Emergency admissions develop a momentum of their own , not least because in some areas it seems the only way to get a place in a local authority residential home ( Sinclair , 1988b ) .
20 There were strict age limits for entry to the training establishment maintained by the Company to train its recruits , for cadets and writers had to enter within the ages of fifteen and twenty-two , and there was thus great anxiety to secure a place in a director 's list which would ensure that an appointment could be secured before age excluded the candidate for ever .
21 They were considering the possibility of a place in a special school for children with moderate learning difficulties which could offer ‘ smaller classes and more individual attention ’ .
22 After a long search a place in a local residential home for young people was found .
23 On the open land of Hampstead Heath , away from people and houses , he found a place in a field where he could sleep without being disturbed .
24 to find a place in a coherent whole , which relates to the concerns of the world about us .
25 Each was set a target which had to be achieved to earn a place in a ‘ super league ’ .
26 ‘ There are times when women have a place in a man 's life , ’ he admitted gruffly .
27 However , before proceeding , it is important to note the way in which diverse and sometimes contradictory theories — together with their associated methods — find a place in a broader entity .
28 Following the burglary , she has been offered a place in a warden controlled block in Milton Keynes .
29 By Echo reporter A TEENAGER with a flair for cookery has tasted success by beating 3,000 young people to win a place in a national contest .
30 He expects a place in a Labour cabinet : Chief Whip for a short time , perhaps , then a portfolio of his own ‘ something where I could really help the North . ’
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