Example sentences of "[art] thing that [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 The difficulty is getting them involved again in some of the things that they 're interested in . ’
2 Congratulate them for the things that they are good at .
3 You do n't have to LIKE the things that they do or say to LOVE them ; Jesus certainly did n't like Zacchaeus ' cheating , but he loved Zacchaeus !
4 The Bible is quite clear that these evil spirits ( and the things that they do ) are dangerous .
5 Some of the labourers , the male labourers , was Italian prisoners of war And the things that they used to make in their spare time , well some of them was very very clever , you know .
6 So I explained to him and he was very nice , er but one of the things that they 'd said that they would do , is get all the news broadcasters er to sign consent forms
7 " Is n't it to help them transport the rubber and coal and rice and all the things that they export from the colony ? "
8 Erm mustard , gin , oh the things that they you know they used to do .
9 Up till now we have only considered the potential uses of the various desktop publishing products but it is important to look at what can be done with the things that they produce .
10 And er they set out this basic charter of the things that they thought erm were important to fair trade .
11 And wh because one of the things that they were deliberately doing as if they were unprepared .
12 People do n't know anything about the things that they 're not talking about , you 've had no experience of it , you do n't know , you know of the bad hairpieces and wigs
13 In describing the negotiations for Æthelred 's return from exile in 1014 , this says that the king was informed that no lord was dearer to them than their native lord , if he would govern them more justly ( rihtlicor ) than before , and that he then promised to remedy the things that they all hated .
14 The individual who 's gon na be assertive is likely to be open and honest or likely to admit things that are not so good at honest those , but they 're not gon na necessarily apologise for those , they 're gon na treat those as statements of fact and they 're certainly gon na try and involve other people and actually say what do you think this , what are some ways forward er but it does n't mean that they 're gon na be walked all over and they still stand up for the things that they firmly believe in .
15 The sort of way we can help is the mother and toddlers groups in this kind of thing , where the parents are involved and inevitably do learn quite a lot erm , about how to function and you know , to play with them , and the things that they enjoy .
16 These are the things that they 're having to pay for it with , and the reason being , is the Social Services in this county were a diabolically low level , and people were definitely suffering from it .
17 I hope we will borrow very modestly , it 'll be affordable , we 're not reckless , we 'll be doing what the majority of people in this country do , borrow within their limits for the things that they need for the future such as a home , or a car , something like that .
18 These are the things that they will cancel out on you know you 've wasted your time if you do n't tell them .
19 And and these are the things that they will , one or two of the things , they 'll use any excuse under the sun , but these are the things if you do n't point them out to them .
20 But these are the sorts of things and I 'm not going to great detail because the training course does that , these are the things that they will blow you out on .
21 Er and we 'll have a look at all the things that they carried and erm fought with later on .
22 The things that they
23 Ale ale was one of the things that they ate they they drank they put ale on their porridge .
24 But it was just I mean , the things that they said honestly weird .
25 saying of all , all the things that they get up to you know , cutting using a stolen car
26 But er the things that they were doing were just unbelievable .
27 sort of , the things that they have to do apart from fighting crime !
28 Yes , I think we have to take any situation like this , not just the major ones like war , but any situation that we come across and use it as a real opportunity for learning , and maybe for adults to be able to do the things that they did n't do when they were children , which is why now we often respond as child in these situations .
29 Yet these matters , it has been suggested , lie deep — indeed , unutterably deep — in every American psyche ; and it is good that from time to time the unutterable be uttered — it is , one might say , one of the things that we look to poets for .
30 None of us can remember everyone we 've met , everything we 've done , and yet most can store away in their memory the things that we want to remember .
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