Example sentences of "[art] way that [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Excuse me , Excuse me if you if you used your mouth as well as your brain you 'd be better off , the thing is this that quite honestly nobody here has the right , do you like the way that gentleman looks ?
2 Er I 'll , I 'll perhaps go back to that later , cos it does come into the way that money splits .
3 So er to look at it er another way , w I , I 'll stop before I go back to the erm slides , because I want to show you a few on you know erm er the way that money 's worked over the last forty years , but if you look at index-linked certificates , cos somebody mentioned that , are they worth having ?
4 Rod , yes I agree with Don , I think if you look at er what the work has gone in er in the fifth year for the last two or three years and the way that subject teachers are now approaching ranks of achievement I do n't see yes it 's .
5 The availability of calculating machines , and now micro-computers , must have affected the way that maths is taught , and also possibly the skills that are needed to become a good mathematician .
6 I just love the way that kid must 've been standing out there for what , fifteen minutes ?
7 Yes , and one of the great ironies is that when I 'm talking to students about the nature of history , one of the first things I try and say to them is ‘ Look , do n't have this idea that there 's a great bundle of documents lying in an attic , and this is the way that history works , that people make a sensational discovery and then they write a book about it .
8 That 's the way that mum and dad
9 We can look to one of Stevenson 's non-lucid , non-hypnagogic dreams for a fine example of the way that daytime preoccupations can affect the dreaming mind , and vice versa .
10 Now , that actually has chan is starting to change the nature of the way that government are control , seeking to control the services .
11 Er and similarly the syntax of languages are often said to be oppressive of women , a lot of the way that language is structured and a lot of the words that you get in a language , that 's another thing that 's said .
12 One-off dramatisations inevitably build around a central series of events which may be true to life in what they depict , but false in the way that time is telescoped ; in other words , they are played out in dramatic , not real time .
13 Moma Parsheen cried out as she sensed environment flooding back , the way that sensation needles through a frozen limb .
14 And three words per second is the way that television presenters make er , their scripts for presenting to the public in a news bulletin .
15 The way that superfluidity shows up is most extraordinary as well .
16 And last but not least on these issues of planning which I think is very important , I 'm glad to get the opportunity to put this thing over to people ; I very much regret the way that planning laws have been weakened so that the local authorities do n't have the power they used to have .
17 And then what about , what 's interesting about the way that speech ends ?
18 As you know as as teachers this is the way that information .
19 So we 're extending the way that information systems can be used by users who traditionally have not been en empowered or enabled to get at that information .
20 Well I would speak on the way that resolution number one er that 's the report we brought back to the committee about timing and implementation .
21 I hope that we 've been able to convey the way that Control Servers will enable you to control the client server environment as if you 're controlling a mainframe , and I sincerely hope that we 've been able to talk erm knowledgeably knowledgeably about our tool strategy and how we can address the needs of each different group of users with different desktop devices in a consistent manner .
22 There 's no way that child should have died , but you know what these famous words in real terms , in real terms we are putting more money into the Health Service .
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