Example sentences of "[art] way he would " in BNC.

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1 ‘ He very politely pointed out in each case , ’ recalled Mountbatten , ‘ that it was not the way he would have phrased it , and so it remained virtually unchanged .
2 ‘ It was the way he would have liked it , ’ Sister Cooney said .
3 Stubbornness was an early characteristic , as was the way he would call a halt to any admonishment laid down by Mud .
4 So I think it ended the way he would have wanted it to end .
5 And if that child is sensitive and caring and does not wish to hurt or disappoint his parents , perhaps he may even enter the medical profession and spend years doing something he does not really want to do while denying himself the opportunity of fulfilling his life in the way he would have chosen .
6 He decided that on the way he would take a look at the nearby clump of trees from which the eerie sounds had drifted during the night .
7 If I could lead you from that paragraph on page three fifty over to page three six four page three six four , one two three , four paragraphs from the top it 's ab it 's the second of two paragraphs that begins the Board affirms the church 's th that Christ teaches that marriage is special and divorce is not the way he would wish for his people and then this sentence no-one would wish to condens condemn someone to stay in a marriage which is beyond redeeming .
8 It was the way he would always address us : foreigner .
9 He might be seen returning , and it was needful he should come by the way he would have taken to Longner .
10 The use of regulations to cut legal aid eligibility contravenes the explanation the Lord Chancellor gave to Parliament about the way he would use these powers .
11 Which was the way he would always do things , she realised .
12 She said that this was the way he would have wanted to die .
13 He loved the Spitfire and if he had to die , that was the way he would have wanted it .
14 His best friend says it was the way he would have wanted to go
15 If he had to go I think that was the way he would have wanted it
16 Strange that in a way he would like to be her friend even more than her lover .
17 His cider sodden mind was causing him to treat his beloved motorcycle in a way he would never have dreamed of a few hours before .
18 But the ritual was nevertheless a way of protecting the devotional intimacy , whereas the non-liturgical denominations exposed it in a way he would have found offensive .
19 The return to England had worked in a way he would never have believed it could .
20 The fact that a sociologist was witnessing the interviews make it all the more certain they would be conducted with scrupulous care , but there was no way he would be given access to the extra-legal deals which may well have gone on outside the interview room or later during a prison visit for ‘ write-offs ’ .
21 He did , after all , on two different occasions ( Silverstone and Monza ) summon us to say that there was no way he would race in F1 in 1991 … and now he is .
22 There is simply no way he would have been accepted for training in our Church — and that is perhaps a tragedy .
23 When he was offered the Rangers job , he told his estranged wife that there was no way he would become a sterotypical manager ‘ working all hours and driving myself crazy ’ .
24 ‘ There was no way he would have been allowed to run if something was wrong .
25 In the end I saw that there was no way he would accept this treatment , and that it was doing both of us more harm than good .
26 In speaking of an ‘ intelligent ’ [ sic ] man who had become disabled , Mr. Edwards stated : ‘ There was no way he would have fitted into one of our day centres ’ .
27 ‘ There was no way he would have fitted into one of our day centres , ’ said Edwards .
28 IF it was n't for his dad , Chris Boardman says there is no way he would be the proud owner of an Olympic gold medal , MBE … and Echo Sports Personality of the Year award .
29 ‘ There was no way he would have been allowed to run if something was wrong .
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