Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [coord] it " in BNC.

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1 Alright , you might have got the odd but it 's all this warming , doing it and then half leaving it and then
2 they sent it back , I think , I thought the twelve was , was quite good actually , I thought the twelve when they went up at twelve , but then when they changed it back to the junior and infants it was the elev , the eleven and it was a bit , I think it , you know eleven might be perhaps too young , I think twelve is a reasonable
3 I went on my way happy after that — indeed , happier than I had been before I had seen the strange apparitions-and it occurred to me that somebody both less logical and less imaginative would have jumped to the conclusion that what they had seen were UFOs .
4 Er there was down , and , and , farm was on the right and it went the back where old is around there .
5 A number of mollusc-like shells are known from the Cambrian and it is likely that some derive from halkieriid or related scleritomes .
6 They had a two year romance in the thirties but it was broken up by the war and the appearance of Rose 's first husband .
7 Warm the solid and it turns straight back into gas .
8 This may be due to the poor quality of the preaching or it may be due to the fact that some Christians have their own interpretation of the dominical saying , ‘ Except ye be as little children ye can not enter the kingdom of heaven ’ .
9 Our efforts to meet the company have so far been unsuccessful , but as far as we understand from the AEU ( which has a single union agreement with Montupet ) , there are no special mechanisms to target recruitment and training on the unemployed and it is worth bearing in mind that the code of practice of the new Fair Employment Act puts the idea of the merit principle above that of equality of outcome or the achievement of social justice .
10 ‘ Change-orientation ’ is the youngest and it is gaining ground .
11 The final option , fitting your own hard disk , is definitely the cheapest but it does need some skill with a screw driver .
12 it 's the next cheapest thing from that Capri , the Capri 's the cheapest but it 's a two litre
13 That 's the only snag with that , that you you can get the wrong But it 's very much way of doing it .
14 I served an apprenticeship , worked hard and now I am in the wrong and it is not my fault .
15 No it , I think it actually runs on the sixteenth but it only looks at premiums up to the fifteenth , think that 's built into the , the , the parameters on it .
16 Very important for the physics , because what 's happening at that point as far as the physics is concerned , when the acceleration is zero , not , think of a racing car accelerating up to top speed , down the straight and it just ca n't go any faster , it 's got up to a hundred and eighty miles an hour , and it 's
17 They 're rolling the joint and it 's … did you hear the one about … so and so 's mate who scored some really good stuff from some new dealer somewhere .
18 Investment business — grasping the nettle Investment business holds pitfalls for the unwary but it also offers a significant business opportunity
19 If I wanted to do something like three add six I could put brackets round the three and round the six and it would n't make any difference .
20 from the six and it gives you four but then you give the sign of a larger
21 I do n't know whether this will be acceptable to Policy and Resources Committee or the Council at the end of the day , but essentially what is showing there is something that , taken over the three years meets er , a figure equivalent to the annual but it does n't do it uniformly over the three years .
22 On the outside but it does n't stop the light
23 Cos you clean a little bit , you clean the outside and it 's raining , cos you ca n't take the hoover out there and
24 No I looked on the virginal and it had more saturates in than this
25 And then you had a sort of a gadget what would slide the st there was strap coming from the pulley of the oil engine onto There was a loose pulley and there was a gadget , you could slide the strap onto the loose pulley , then that that was only just er turning loose of course , then you slid it back on the fixed and it 's be turning all this shafting along the barn and then there were pulley sets on that and in direct line with crusher and chaff cutter and the scrapping machine you had a a strap form those .
26 The two causes were closely linked from the 1840s and it is not surprising that when Cassell visited New York in 1853 as a delegate to a World Temperance Convention he would also use Beecher at work in Ohio .
27 the black grows quicker , longer than the white and it covers them up .
28 Only the United Kingdom economy performed as badly during the seventies and it has always been near the bottom of the league .
29 His call is perhaps the hardest but it 's also the highest .
30 Tuna were once caught in large numbers in spring and autumn in the Mediterranean and it may be that the Minoans organized large-scale tuna fishing in a similar way .
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