Example sentences of "[art] [adj] [vb base] [pers pn] " in BNC.

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1 So when the actual rate of inflation rises to 4 per cent in Fig. 6.4 , people continue to expect zero inflation for a while and only in the long-run do they revise their expectations upwards towards 4 per cent .
2 Paula found the facial help her relax , and was especially soothing when different gels were applied and rollers were used .
3 Charles Henstock , whose belief in an after-life was absolute , had never been able to persuade his old friend to share his convictions , and he had once told Donald , after an amicable exchange of views on the subject , that he considered the doctor to be the finest unbeliever he had been privileged to meet .
4 to get the odd draw you need the odd goal and er it 's not gon na come from any other people than er
5 The Bulgarians sombrely suggest that she is a dead mother looking for her own baby , while the Spanish say she is the GHOST of an aunt or grandmother , looking to make a gift to her descendants .
6 The building of the second boat — the Spanish feel they have not time to build three — will begin in March with a launch date set for the autumn .
7 To listen to someone is the greatest compliment you can pay .
8 Good negotiators also need to learn to master the art of listening — it 's the greatest compliment you can pay
9 For many widows , the sudden drop in income was the greatest worry they had to face , and that she was spared , although steeply rising costs , in fuel and rates alone , meant that the old house would be expensive to run .
10 The greatest laugh they enjoyed was pretending Patsy was a little girl .
11 It wo n't be the greatest place you 've ever lived , I know , but at least it 's going to be dry and … ’
12 Now the bloody have you ever ?
13 I am sure if we get the right deal it will suit the shareholders .
14 The rich think they can buy anything , do n't they ? ’
15 The half inch I 'd added to the 5ft 8in , somehow became attached to the 5ft 9in .
16 As various pedants have pointed out , the word history actually derives from Latin historia , story , and has no connection with the English pronoun his .
17 ‘ Should these not get out , before the English bottle them up ? ’
18 Moreover , as soon as the English think I know the name of their traitor , I will be kept safe . ’
19 ‘ Officially he does , General , but for the purposes of his private life he has a small apartment , a flat as the English call it .
20 ‘ Because of that , the superstitious say I met the fairies and went to live with them for nine years .
21 so I mean if , if they caught one , they actually took a photo , managed to take a photo out of all those hundreds of people , look how many more were , were there , and it just seems like basically their not sure who fired first , obviously the Irish say it was the British them and the British say they were fired upon first and erm , on , on the strength of it , who , who would you rather believe I mean , somebody that 's been living in Ireland for twenty odd yea twenty years now with all that happening around him being able to be got at by the I R A or a British body who may , may be up on a murder trial , you know , the , at the end of the day its six of one and half a dozen of the other , they 've both got stuffed by a bleeding troop
22 The law-abiding majority of the British feel they are no longer being protected by the police from a growing criminal and hooligan minority .
23 Because people seem either to write or commission reports at the slightest excuse you must assume that in most cases a formal , written report is not in fact wanted .
24 It was a late Easter and the daffodils , or ‘ lilies ’ as the Cornish call them , were in full bloom .
25 What is the smartest move you 've ever made ?
26 The French relieve you of £1.05 in tax , 63 per cent of the £1.66 pump price you would be charged if diesel happened to be sold by the gallon in Calais .
27 Both the Germans and the French claim him as a hero , and in this sense the Emperor becomes more than a mortal ruler .
28 If the French cut it , we 're on our own , so if we lose these crossroads , the Crapauds have won the damned campaign . ’
29 But if you can actually influence the French let us know because , or let the government know , because they , they 've been trying for years ever since Napoleon 's day , to try and do something .
30 But the way the French see it , the Germans destroyed civilization here in Europe and no punishment is too bad for them .
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